I expect that this question has been asked before, but I can’t find a thread on it. I am looking at the choices of Continuous Radon Monitors, and the rental vs. purchase choices. I am leaning toward the Sun Nuclear product, and learned at the convention that the 1027 model will be replaced with the 1028 this spring. The new model will, of course, cost more than the present one ($535 vs. $675)
My questions: what equipment are you using, and why do you like or dislike it? How about rental vs. purchase?
Im looking for the same info. if anyone can chime in. Thanks, Steve
I have been using the Sun Nuclear Model 1027 as well as E-Perms for over 5 years.
Currently we have 10 of the Sun Model 1027’s.
Extremely reliable units.
Thanks, Joe. I’m leaning toward the Sun unit, but I think I’ll wait until the new model is available. It is supposed to be upgraded, with a USB port as well as the original serial port for the printer. BTW, do you use the printer on site, or do you do your printing off site?
PA licensing requires a specific printed format for reporting of Radon Results.
I have never used the printer. All reports are generated and sent from the Office.
I have purchased all of my Sun and Eperm units thru Wayne Gemmill.
Wayne provides Initial Training, CEU as well as sale of all units.
He provides the annual calibrations (as mandated by PA State License) as he has a Radon Chamber On-Site at his facility.
Excellent info!! Thanks again!
A member just sent in a great essay response! Check it out:
View Question
Choose any library article from https://www.nachi.org/articles.htm or any inspection gallery image from https://www.nachi.org/gallery/ and study the article or image you chose. Next, in the box titled “Your Essay” you will write an explanation that is at least 40 words describing what you’ve learned from your article or image. Once you submit your essay it will automatically be marked as complete and submitted to the course forum.
Please continue with the course after completion of this assignment.
It is extremely important to maintain your septic system in your home. The system should be pumped periodically, depending on the size of the tank and number of occupant in the home. Failure to do so can cause major damage to your system and cost extreme amounts of money to repair.
What does this have to do with the subject of this 19 year old thread about Radon CRM’s?
Looks like report filler to me. Shall we continue to fill in the report with other great ideas?
- Clean your gutters. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Change your air filter. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Paint your home regularly. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Caulk, paint, and glaze your windows. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Monitor your roof covering. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Improve insulation and energy loss. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Don’t poor grease down your drain. Doing so will be extremely expensive.
- Cut vegetation near or in contact with your home. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Keep water out of you crawlspace and basement. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.
- Follow all manufacturer use and care instructions. Failure to do so will be extremely expensive.