Report writting seminar in Pheonix AZ

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Dan Harris wrote:
In a recent review of the BTR site, There is a growing amount of complaints against inspectors. With those complaints the board found inspectors reports non compliant.

Are your reports compliant?

Are you willing to wait until a customer files a complaint to find out?

Sat May 21st there is a seminar in Phx on report writing and reporting to State standards will be included. This seminar like previous ones will have experience inspectors with 20 plus years exp. providing valuable report writing and inspection information for all.
For the betterment of our profession, I strongly encourage all to attend.

Yes this is an ASHI sponsored event, and there is a fee to obtain this valuable information. If you cannot afford the minimal fee, consider what it will cost you in $$$s and lost time if a complaint if filed against you.
We may not have any on control whether a customer files a complaint, we HAVE the opportunity to determine if our reports meets standards.

I'm sure there are a few here that are convinced that if your not an ASHI
member you are subject to being a part of a witch hunt to destroy NACHI, that's BS, the facts are we have close to 1000 inspectors and less than 300 inspectors belong to any org.

If you want additional information feel free to email me

Thanks Dan



Gerry Beaumont
NACHI Education Committee
e-mail :
NACHI phone 484-429-5466

Inspection Depot Education

"Education is a journey, not a destination"