Post: How to Reduce the Number of Phone Calls Your Clients Get
Forum: General Inspection Discussion
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3
Agree! This is a VENDORs post pushing his wares, not an Inspector Member. This thread needs to be moved to the (ficticous) Vendors Section of the MB, or the NFE (Not For Everyone) section, as I am a member with zero interest in this vendors products, in fact I take offense to his actions against Inspector Members, and therefore his posts are… NOT FOR EVERYONE!!!
I have in my possession certain email communications from this dishonest lead broker threatening me with a frivolous lawsuit if I do not publicly lie and provide a false “acknowledgement that everything he does is above board” to NACHI members.
Of course, I have refused to do this which has resulted in death threats from him. He has threatened one member and his family, as well, for not lying and acknowledging that he is “above board”.
Apparently, his mom is getting ready to cut him off or something … but, whatever the reason, he is getting increasingly desperate in his attempts to cover his many lies and people who have publicly vowed to protect the privacy of their clients are a threat to him.
His frivolous lawsuit will be shoved up his freckled, pudgy a s s, if his mom agrees to let him spend the money. I’ll provide a play-by-play on my blog for all to read.
I also plan to use his lawsuit to gather some private information of my own to use in a variety of legal ways. If you are a home inspector who has been receiving “CASH (or services)” in exchange for the private information you have been providing to this little p r i ck, you should consult with your CPA or attorney as to any applicable tax laws that might apply.
I have in my possession certain email communications from this dishonest lead broker threatening me with a frivolous lawsuit if I do not publicly lie and provide a false “acknowledgement that everything he does is above board” to NACHI members.
Of course, I have refused to do this which has resulted in death threats from him. He has threatened one member and his family, as well, for not lying and acknowledging that he is “above board”.
Apparently, his mom is getting ready to cut him off or something … but, whatever the reason, he is getting increasingly desperate in his attempts to cover his many lies and people who have publicly vowed to protect the privacy of their clients are a threat to him.
His frivolous lawsuit will be shoved up his freckled, pudgy a s s, if his mom agrees to let him spend the money. I’ll provide a play-by-play on my blog for all to read.
I also plan to use his lawsuit to gather some private information of my own to use in a variety of legal and productive ways. If you are a home inspector who has been receiving “CASH (or services)” in exchange for the private information you have been providing to this little p r i ck, you should consult with your CPA or attorney as to any applicable tax laws that might apply.
It is amazing to me how vendors sell their wares, consistently try to sell them on this message board, and try to sway all HI’s to change the way they do business. With these vendors, it frustrates the good HI’s to stay off this message board. There should be a vendor section for vendors only. Vendors of any type should stay off all threads, except for the one designated for the vendor. This message board should be for the benefit of HI’s, not vendors. It is getting out of hand, and needs to be stopped.
This little guy is pretty desperate to stop me from expressing my personal opinion about how home inspectors should seek counsel from their lawyer or CPA concerning their tax liabilities related to their accepting “CASH (or services)” from lead brokers they contract with.