Reported Post by jchase

jchase has reported a post.


Post: Obama Didn’t Sign Amnesty Order… Why?
Forum: Not For Everyone (members-only)
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3

Posted by: jmckenna1
Original Content:

Whats new about that?

jchase has also reported this item.


He is a member and unmoderated.
It is also in the members only forum.

If the reported post is by an InterNACHI member:

InterNACHI does not moderate member posts on its message board. There are only two reasons that a reported member’s post will be acted upon:

If a member’s post could negatively reflect on InterNACHI as an association or a large portion of its membership, that post may be moved to a section of the message board that is not visible to the public. If you think a post should be moved, indicate why.
If a member’s post violates InterNACHI’s Code of Ethics, InterNACHI’s Ethics and Standards of Practice Committee can determine if that post should be deleted and if any further action should be taken against that member. If you think a post violates the COE, please ask a member of the ESOP Committee to review the post.

Political speech is alive and well on the NFE section of the forum. Sorry that you did not know this. This is not communist China.

Have a nice day.

Please read the WARNING regarding the section of my political posting…

Panties in a bunch?

I am a moderator on this message board. I received an email telling me that you have “reported this post”.
As Roy and John have explained this post has not “Violated” any part of the “message board rules”.
No further action will be taken on this “reported post”.

Regards, Frank M. Carrio CMI

Same here…

Best, Larry Kage, CMI