Reported Post by jmckenna1

I used to think this was a members organization, lately it’s became obvious it’s not.

For Jeff Vogan to have his membership taken away, which has a lot more to do with than this MB, for approving any certain post is INSANE.

Ken, or someone
Why exactly was Jeff tossed? Can someone show me the exact violation that put him in this position? Man, this is getting bad folks! I think we are making this much more complicated than what it should be.

Ask Jeff.

Figured I could get a faster answer here!

Well, regardless of what happened to Jeff, the result should send a shiver up the spine of even the bravest m-derator, don’t ch think? :|.)

I was not told anything…wasn’t on the message board all weekend, saw Peter’s post last night, moderated it (approved it), the ONE and ONLY moderation I have ever done, and this morning, I am an “active poster”, am no longer listed as a member, and can’t view member posts…but no one had enough balls to tell me anything…

Agreed, if the power at be didn’t like Jeffs’ actions then by all means take away his moderator status (and re-write the moderation rules while he’s at it!!)

But booting him out, please!!! :twisted:


Just PM you! Wanted to know what was up but you have now filled me in. Okay, now that we have done. Can someone tell Jeff and the rest of us why he was tossed! Geez!:roll:

Results for NACHI06050397
Name: Jeff S. Vogan
Contact: E-Mail Jeff S. Vogan
InterNACHI ID: NACHI06050397
City: Bevier State/Province: MO
Country USA Certification

Status: Member in Good Standing, through May 3rd, 2009 The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Inc. is a non-profit organization helping home inspectors maintain inspection excellence.

For more information about InterNACHI, visit

Appears to be the case!:roll::frowning:

Maybe a blip in the system is what you are saying Michael?

**Moderators : 13 **
iniquette](, jmckenna1](, fmagdefrau](, fcarrio](, wwilson3](, bjones5](, rmaday](, sgilligan1](, lkage](, rromoser](, mkyriacou](, jramos](, gbeaumont](

I remember another story about a group of 13, that didn’t end well either, though I see they let you off the hook. :mrgreen:

When a non-member says
“It seems Nick has a history of “not paying” his debts,…” and then quote
a bogus link to reinforce their stated opinion…

That kind of statement is flase and intended to slander and harm (no doubt)

The rules say
Personal attacks for reasons of race, religion, sexual orientation, et cetera, or postings, which are profane or are meant to defame our membership, will not be tolerated".

When a moderator joins in the process of the personal attacks and defamation,
by enableing the offending poster, they need to stop and think about the fact
that their moderator position also carries with it a responsibility for their actions.

The offending post was a very clear attempt to bash and cause harm to Nicks
reputation. Nick is a member, not to mention our founder.

Get used to it folks. Nick said the lies and bashing will STOP.

I agree with John on this one. Peter’s post was “meant to defame” a member. Is this not clear in the forum rules?

Please John, cut back on the coffee, do it for the children. :smiley:

Sorry folks—just a mix-up. Jeff is back in the system, but is no longer a member per his request.


What bogus link? It is a legitimate link to an article, meant to refute Nick’s advice on not paying your debts…

But Mini-Me is right…bashing (not agreeing with the powers that be), will stop…he just forgot to mention the “or else” that is attached to it…

and by the way, booting me out is censoring members…is it not? I didn’t read in any rules about getting kicked out if someone didn’t agree with your moderation…

The link goes to a bogus lie, along with the bashers personal opinion
intended to slander a member, Nick. Don’t play stupid.

The link was intended to back up the posters slander. Read it again.

Nick is not a member. Ask him.

You f’d up, as usual, John.

First you claim it was censored for libel and slander. Seeing that there is no libel and slander, you state that it “defames”.

Read an exchange between Ken Lott and anyone else on this message board…and report back to this thread what you find in comparison to the post you chose to delete.

And the post from “Kim” that accused all NACHI members of having an IQ of 65 made it through your screening.

If you inspect like you moderate, it is no wonder you prefer teaching.