Yes but being a Jew is being of particular linage of people.
The word “Jew” (in Hebrew, “Yehudi”) is derived from the name Judah, which was the name of one of Jacob’s twelve sons. Judah was the ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel, which was named after him. Likewise, the word Judaism literally means “Judah-ism,” that is, the religion of the Yehudim. Other sources, however, say that the word “Yehudim” means “People of G-d,” because the first three letters of “Yehudah” are the same as the first three letters of G-d’s four-letter name.
MARK MARK MARK…what are real facts? You can get a poll I can get a poll we can say who is right and who is wrong…Let me just ask one simple question that no one seems to answer…ARE YOU BETTER OF FINANCIALLY TODAY THAN YOU WERE A YEAR AGO? EASY QUESTION…
I never asked for your two cents…so I will then repay you with mine…
There is no way I can get you to see my point of view. You seem to believe everything out of SOMEONE else’s mouth that you respect and believe is a FACT. This is a shame that you are such a follower in the world. But I guess there are needs for that. Let me ask you this even…I bet you are part of a franchise…probably go to church…members of this or that club…because you have no thought of your own. You believe some guy should EXPLAIN the bible to you and you suck it down…
I am gonna check…and see if you are a member of a franchise…now that just funny you are!
Mark, how can I degrade a person? A person can only be degraded if they allow themselves to. But you cannot see that because it was not on a graph from Beck…You cannot see many things, because it is not in your personality…to be a follower and let other think for him. I prefer to think for myself…explain my point of view…
But show me your a genius…WITHOUT looking it up. Although you are follower and need Rush to think for them, i THINK YOUR AN HONEST PERSON AND WILL TRUST YOU WILL NOT LOOK THESE THINGS UP.
Tell me why did Bin Laden bomb the US?
Tell me the crimes the that Saddam Hussein was guilty of Why did he invade Kuwait?
And are you performing more home inspections this year than last year at this time?
Its easy…then you can ask me questions of your own…
Ok, I’ve answered you, now you answer me. Why do you accuse others of being a follower when by your own words and actions, you prove to be big one yourself.
Can you say hypocrite? …I thought you could.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Whenever you wonder what the Liberals of this world are up to, all you have to do is look and see what they are accusing others of doing. Their scare tactics and accusations are just a cover-up for the exact things they are doing themselves.
Just like Russell accusing me of being a follower.
Well said Mark…I see where you make your points and some of them pretty good points. I will reflect upon it. But your absolute arrogance that your point of view is the only one correct is pretty damn funny…Guess the Holy Spirit guided you on the humble and love others…thingy huh? Is that not kinda hypocritical? Are the words you just wrote against some of the words YOU JUST wrote?
I believe you are 100% correct…on all ACCOUNTS…in your mind.
Your facts in this message are true to YOU…You will never get this. Know why? YOUR A FOLLOWER…
I reread you post and you joined NACHI to be around others like you…thats kinda different than me…If I want to be around people like me…then why not just be alone? I prefer to see differences and learn from them…
Sorry business is not better this year. I do believe it will turn around. Florida was the first in the tank…and now its on its way out…investers back in the market here…so hopefully when the weather breaks you phone will ring more and business will flourish once again…
What you don’t get is that there is no such thing as relative truth. That which is true, is true. Period. End of sentence.
I believe in truth, pure and simple. It’s not my truth, it’s not your truth, it is truth. If that’s arrogance, then fine. I think it’s pretty simple.
You don’t get to make up your own truth. What is, is. And what isn’t, isn’t.
As for my point of view being the only one, that’s patently not correct. There are other points of view out there, but if they are based on errors, or lies, and mine is based on truth, then mine is the only one worth considering. Of course the opposite would be true if mine were based on lies. That is why I spend so much time “considering the source” of information that I rely on.