Reported Post by relliott

Could have been worst , The post about my family member could have came to the public view would some of you want that ? Now if any of you want to call me names let it fly.

Linus and Kenton sitting in a tree…

It’s what comes up on my iPhone on this endless, incessant and persistent quest you are on there Jonas.
You gotta fix for that? Guess not.

“I will not be stalked by Jeffry Jonas any longer”


“Do you still beat your whore because she wouldn’t give up the kid? Do you beat the kid also? You are one sick mutherfuker!”


Hey, we ain’t ignernt!! :|.)

Don’t make me sick my sister on you!! :mrgreen:

Oh man, that’s methed up.:p:p

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methed up.jpg

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Hold on. I’ve seen “my quote?” too much.
Did I ever say such a thingy?
Perhaps you mixed it up with a Robert Young post.
Help us out here JJ :slight_smile:
I do no udder-stan

What a racist POS the Illinois idiot is.

Another republican maggot. One of mikeys no less.

Linus, the POS from Illinois who calls home inspectors wives’ whores.

It’s no secret why he needs to carry 24/7.

He also has a strange obsession with the a s s holes of other men, obviously he suffers from some kind of sexual mental disorder.

Marc, I have no clue why the dipshart from CA keeps posting what he does. I was wondering who MG was. (Now that you know, you have the right to report him to the ESOP for MB rule violations). As far as I know, he is Robert Young’s twin brother attempting to tarnish my name. I notice he is also irrelevant on the other MB he ran off to, in hopes of finding his ConSpector soulmate! Curious… has anyone ever seen Dipshart and Idiot in the same room at the same time? :roll:

all this from the infidelity sorority… Those bible thumping, gun wielding hypocrites

Hey Jonas, is that a football un dee your neck or a medical condition (goiter) ? If so I apologize in advance. If it works it’s way up yer a neck any further you might have it looked into. If your head were any fatter you have to give up the camp cap for asun visor…!

Rick, I do think you’re a nice guy.
If someone disagrees with that fine, but they need to keep me outta the crapola for saying so.

Are you referring to me when you say “MG” in the quote?
Again, perhaps it was Robert Young who has said that hundreds of times about his best friend JJ.
I do not believe I’ve ever said that about JJ or anyone else.

Trust me Marc… if you had ever said it to me, I would let you know. There would be no misunderstanding. Capiche’?

Understood in all sorts of ways!

capice, capicé, capiche, capeesh, capisch, capishe and coppish

Sorry to say MG stands for: My God
It’s what comes to mind when I read JJ’s dribble… No offense there Mark. I have never attributed your name to anything as you are well aware. If it’s on my iPhone and I read it it’s fair game.

Just in time for a new fall fashion event… Now back to JJ’s nek issue. That thing must be a drag on the landscape during the summer months. Bet’cha need powder on those collars just to keep it from chafing. The visor thing is in now.


Off his meds

Brownies are almost ready there Jona…
If there’s any left over from the fundraiser this year, you know., the infidelity sorority sisters annual fund drive, I’ll send them your way. I not sure but Dr. Groovy said he put a little some special in there for you this year. Knock yourself out there fella! Sun visors are the giveaway door prize. You’re gonna need one soon. I understand camo is the latest craze out on the links.
Bring Linus. He could use a little culture.

I’ll be there.

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Hey Ya’ll take it easy on Rick! He needs less time on the BB so he can create a new procedure for handling his issues.

"I turned into an absolute puddle of manhood"