Reported Post by rlewis5

rlewis5 has reported a post.


Post: When a Home Inspector Sells His Clients’ Contact Information …
Forum: Legislation, Licensing, Ethics & Legal Issues for Inspectors
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3

Posted by: ldapkus1
Original Content:

It is the attachment that is the problem.

As an InterNachi message board moderator I have sent a request to Nick to have this removed.

It would be nice to see this message board as a “Professional” message board that the inspection industry can be proud of.
In the interest of fairness … I would like to suggest that you go back through your posts and remove any and all offending and or “questionable” photographs/pictures that you might have posted.

Thank you in advance, Frank;-)

And not just the ones related to Linas, but to all members you have attacked!

There were only 3 or 4 and it has already been done.
And if you have read them I was defending myself.

you did the attacking first.
And if you had to do as was suggest to me. You would be here for years.
So ! Shut up and leave me alone …OK ?

To the best of my recollection, I have never posted a potentially offensive picture outside of the Members Only section… with the exception of the SPAM section! As the other Roy would claim… you are jealous! :wink:

Thank you for taking care of this. It is greatly appreciated!:nachi:
Now… if everyone else would follow your lead this would be a much better place to visit!:wink:

As a “message board moderator” I do not monitor the message board 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “We” do not, and cannot, read each and every post as that would become a full-time nonpaying job!
“We” just usually respond to complaints. If I see something that is “over-the-top” I will bring it to the attention of the “powers that be”. Sometimes they will take action… And… Sometimes they won’t!

I hope this clarifies matters:nachi:

It will only allow me to delete/edit post to around 8-22 .
Then the edit option isn’t there.

Contact Nick and tell him that you are trying to “clean up” and or delete your posts. I’m sure that he will be more than happy to help you;-)

I hope this helps:nachi: