Bad language? Get real.
I say throw out the lousy,adel minded scum that has yet to learn the English language.
Go easy on that stuff Bob, it’s early. You aren’t behind the wheel are you??
No, in a Brokers office having a good laugh at how easily you make friends around here…
You finally crossed the “threshold”. You know there’s no turning back. :mrgreen:
Had to go over the upcoming soft reports for the month and drop off my weekly kickback $$$.
Hey, the Chi-Town way!
Since I and many on the MB new that this was directed at a certain individual I feel this individual has made a direct attack. I also have had a direct attack from Linas. I try to remain calm when hearing some info that is disturbing. I have reported others and will continue if direct attacks are made on me or anyone. I do not care for ESOP and continue to report to Nick anything I feel will discredit interNachi including individuals of the ESOP.
Quit your whining youlittle baby.