Residential Structural Design for Home Inspectors

Vent pipe for furnace in contact with combustibles

As required for Wind Mitigation for Insurance Rate purposes, the follwing is a typical Hurricane strap for the Miami Dade High Velocity Building Code which has been adopted by nearly all coastal zone states.

Hi everyone;
I’ve taken a few pictures of a new home under construction. It shows engineered roof trusses from the interior view . Obviously these pictures were prior to the plumbing or hvac being roughed in. The beginning of part of the electrical rough in is shown in one of the pictures. The roof truss chord connector plates are shown as well.

Hi everyone:
Below are some pictures of Lally columns. They are non adjustable and supported by footings beneath the nonstructural basement slab. They support an LVL beam which in turn carries the first floor engineered floor trusses above . The entire length of the lvl’s is 60’ , with joints staggered at the lally columns.

I read 10 ways to save energy, when talking about proper function of a H-VAC unit. Proper air flow and proper and combustion is one key to air flow in a house.

Course requirement, to share my thoughts on two aspects of Indoor Air Quality:

First, since my ‘other’ company does mold remediation we often take air sample tests to confirm our work progress is moving in the right direction. We also take a final test upon completion to make sure the residence is ready for safe occupancy. I personally us the ‘Bio Pump’ from Zefron, which I can only describe as awesome. It’s a very simple, uncomplicated device. When I see photos of other testing devices I’m relieved that I don’t have to set up something so complicated every time I need to test.

Second, my thoughts on Asbestos. Caution is in order for plumbers and water damage restoration companies in homes built prior to 1978. Many times their work requires that they open up walls, and without thinking they’ll proceed with no thought about exposing asbestos to the occupants, or even themselves. It’s a requirement to have drywall tested in these older homes before opening any walls.

Max Hall
Las Vegas Environmental Testing


Vie of roof sheathing





Mud sill foundation. Built 1915

Floor joist cut to install plumbing.

Inspection report attached - attic.

I chose to read “Air Quality in the Home” and “Inspecting the Bathroom Exhaust” articles. Both were good articles ans I recommend reading them.

Attached is a photo of doubled 14" LVL floor joists supporting an opening for stairs with 14" wood trusjoists on a 20’ span.

For the Residential Structural Design course inspection, I examined the main floor of a newly constructed addition and found:
Slab on grade foundation with 6" CMU, core filled, attached ~6’ with 1/2" anchor L bolts
2x6 on 16" studs, double trimmers on >4’ openings, 2x10 triple headers
1/2" spruce exterior plywood sheathing
14" TrusJoist engineered floor joists for 20’ span, doubled 14" LVLs for stairway opening
Adequate fastening throughout
No defects other than the stairs have not yet been constructed.

The 2 articles I chose for this course were Bamboo Construction and Inspection, and Concrete for Exterior and Structural walls.
Bamboo sounds great where it is plentiful and used properly to support vertical loads. I don’t expect to see it anywhere in use here except a pergola or treehouse perhaps.
The claim within the article that bamboo is hazardous if treated with DDT is false as DDT was banned in the 70’s for emotional reasons and not based on any scientific fact then or since. These claims become legend as some presume government can do no wrong, when it’s more accurate to state that governments never admit their mistakes.

If you can handle the slight initial cost increase of ICF construction, and ensure window and door placement need not change, it is a great option.

Great Read w/ quizzes, excellent refresher along with great and helpful new information that will be an invaluable tool. Need a little brain break though, before inspecting my own house for the course requirement. Hopefully my wife doesnt want a copy of the report to build a “honey do” list for me. Probably will take the final exam tomorrow depending how my two paid inspections go. Might have to wait an extra day or so.

Lots of great articles. Now that the NBA season is over, I’ve got time to do a lot of reading.

I read the 2 articles which are “Bat Infestation” and “The Dark Side of Homeowner Associations” Great reading and a great collection of other subjects.

For my structure inspection I did a Pergola which is attached to a structure.

I found a defect which is considered a safety hazard because of the potential of the defected attachment becoming loose.

This one point is only held together with 2 general construction screws of unknown size on length.

Defective Attachment.jpg

Defective Attachment.jpg

The Aging in Place article has lots of great information for anyone who is or has parents, friends or siblings aging and beginning to have reduced mobility. Not only pertaining to mobile homes, lots to consider and very helpful checklist. Good read.

Good Evening Everyone,

Read the 2-required readings, 1- being bath and exhaust fans-good read and the other for tonight was that on barbecues…didn’t know that charcoal grilling emitted that much CO2…WOW! also wasn’t aware of only 2- 20-lb tanks are allowed at a single or 2-family residence-makes sense though…I’m going to find my 20-year old son pic throwing my grill into the pool after it started fire as he was trying to cook some brats…)

Great Course BTW

This is what I like to think of is Improper Load transfer, when I was building, I was never thought and/or allowed to build this way, Inspectors appreciate it but what do you think?

Well for some reason, this or my computer will not let me upload any pictures.
But what I was going to show you was staggered framing on bearing exterior walls. Zig Zagging and not aligned straight with each other.

Also, can someone tell me why I cannot upload pictures. Thanks.

Hello again

Now, I am required to do a visual inspection so I will return later today.