Roof Question

Hello I had a client book a job today, he is concerned because the home he is looking at recently had a new roof put on without a permit being pulled.
He wants to no the disadvantages of that as far as getting the home insured, or if the roof was damaged by a hurricane would that be an issue where his insurance could denie his claim ect.

Thank you in advance for your replies

If not permits were pulled, then there were no inpsections done on the roof. How would you know if they used the proper underlayment or if they properly nailed the roof to the current FBC. I would suggest that he get an ‘in progress’ inspection (the seller should pay for this). There will be a fine for not having a permit, and a portiong of the roof may need to be removed for inspection.

As far as insurance goes, most insurance compnies dont ask to see the permits (or at least not that I am aware of). The subject of the permit could come up after a claim is filed and then, yes, a claim could be denied.

If he buys it as is, just make sure he understands that he owns it. If he goes to sell it in two years, he could be repsponsible for obtaining the proper permitting.

William, thanks for your reply. The roof is about year old. Can the seller pay a fine and still get a permit? I can do some random samples of the nailing pattern. I am just not sure how to properly advise my customer. Thanks again for your input

Can the seller pay a fine and still get a permit? Yes. Most times the permit fee is doubled, and depending on the buidling department, he may have to remove a portion of the shingles. Sometimes not. This should be done prior to closing just in case they missed a step and need to replace the roof.

**Recently, I inspected a house that had an office installed where the two-car garage had been down-sized to a one-car garage. The City clearly did not allow this — if it is a two-car garage today, it will be a two-car garage tomorrow. The current owner became responsible for permit applications (which were denied) and has been required to restore the house to its original state — a two-car garage and no office. There is some question if a new downstairs bathroom may have to be removed, as well. And the current owner did not change the garage, it was that way when he bought the property — but he assumed the liability for any consequences. This is a great expense, but the house may not be sold as it is, nor could it be left that way. Also, there were no permits for a new roof, furnace, or electrical upgrade. By calling the City, the buyer avoided a very serious potential liability and an unneeded expense. **