Simple… if you have a PIA, the person who you have the PIA with is now your client, thus you are liable to them. Granted, you have a liability to the homeowner, but on a different level than to your client. If you are inspecting a home, and the neighbor comes over and engages you in conversation regarding information about the home, let’s say the damaged that occurred in a storm three years ago, are you now liable to him? That would be ridiculus. No PIA, no inherant liabilty.
I think too many inspectors are too concerned about covering their arse, that they forget about taking care of their clients, and doing the right thing. This practice will be the destruction of this "alledged’ industry. I’m not saying to be stupid about it, just do what you (should) know is right!
I would only reiterate that customer care (when dealing with the owner) is just as effective over the phone accompanied by a clear report. (especially since it’s really just indirect client care)
One other thought, I would find it highly suspicious if an owner was wanting clarification of the “where is it” and “what is it”, especially if my report is clear enough. This always turns into “how do I fix it”, which I definitely don’t want to be a part of. I would be a lot more willing to talk to the contractor the owner has obtained because then I know he’s not just trying to fix it himself.
I agree completely, and the above was just a scenario for discussion, as we don’t have all the facts in this case. (Common problem on this MB… not having all the facts disclosed, yet asking for definitive answers).
So, I refer back to my original post at the beginning of this thread…
The other day I did an inspection on a home where the clip on the locking mechanism for a window was broken so it would not lock. I could see how a seller could call me to ask about it because it is hard to see and explain in a report. It would be somthing that I would have to go back to the home and point it out if they asked. I would do it as the seller is likely buying something and may be a great way to sell yourself and get another inspection.
By the way, in the case of the window, I took a picture of the clip from another window and included it in my report for clarification.
Perhaps, but that is not my responsibility. If/when I return to the property, it will only be after specific items were to have been addressed/corrected, not to explain the problem or show them how to fix it. My report indicates the “problem(s),” which should be addressed by qualified individuals. If the “qualified individual” disagrees with my opinion, they should simply put it in writing. If they “can’t find” the issue, they need only to call me and I will direct them to it. If they need my direction to fix it, they’re not qualified to do it.
As I stated, I have no problem talking to them on the phone, but I draw the line at revisiting the property at the request of the seller.
If/when I go back for a re-inspection, I will report the defect as repaired/corrected, no change, unable to verify or improper.
I specify the locations of issues as best I can. On this house, for example, the bottom edge of the plywood siding was delaminating on the east side of the home. Whenever an issue is more localized, I do my best to explain the area I am referring to.
I did call the seller back, but did not get to talk to him. I left him a message to call me back. If I talk to him, I will decline to go out. Even if he paid me, I would simply be reciting my report back to him (the report includes pictures of the problem areas), and I get the sense that this would be more a matter of him telling me that everything is fine rather than me doing any explaining.
There are occasions where the Seller is willing to make repairs and the hired Contractor is seeking to provide a remedy acceptable to the Purchaser.
For those, contact is fine.
A dispute of my report by the Homeowner is answered in this manner…
Contractor should provide the same level of Information / Reporting…
On Letterhead…
Describing condition…
Disputing my findings…
and providing Insurance to support his disagreement…
In over 10 years, I have yet to receive a followup letter…
Not until the original client terminates the contract to purchase.
Where are the ESOP guys?
You are working for the buyer, now you are going to work for the seller (free or otherwise) is a huge conflict weather your client gives you permission or not.
You can not have anything going on between any of the parties, except you initial client…
(Not concerning your initial report anyway).
If your report is detailed enough that a licensed contractor could figure out what you are reporting, I would tell the seller that the report explains the issues and that if his licensed repair contractor had questions after reviewing the report, he could call you for clarification.
It sounds to me like the seller is wanting to try to do the repairs himself and wants someone (you) with experience to explain to him how to do the repairs. I’d ask the seller directly if that is what he needs, then tell him that your consulting fee is $175.00 for the first hour and $100.00 per hour after, and you will need the first hour paid by credit card before the appointment.
I think that most of the guys here have posted similar ideas and remember… you didn’t do the report for your client for free, so definately don’t do any seller repair education for free!
1 - I sell my opinion and my time. My time is very valuable to me.
#2 - I don’t work fror free, especially for sellers or realtors.
#3 - About 24 out of 25 times when a seller or listing agent calls me for a consultation because they didn’t understand the report or have questions, THEY actually do understand AND want to argue OR contradict my opinion … See Post #1 & #2 above / I cut that off quickly. I charged the buyer a SET fee for my time. That fee DID NOT include arguing with the seller or agent about my opinion NOR did it include me going out to show the owner where something is OR explaining how he can fix it SO he doesn’t have to hire a real contractor.
#4 - SORRY, I don’t go out for the owner FREE or for a FEE