Originally Posted By: mrose This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Last night the Atlanta Chapter was visited by Gerry Beaumont, Chris Uhland and Gregg Taylor from Skyetec. 47 were in attendance. We packed the meeting room.

Chris Uhland on left and Gregg Taylor on right before the meeting.

I have no idea what Gerry is doing and was afraid to ask.

Here's Chris beginning his presentation.

The crowd soaking up this new info.
Is this what information overload can do or did this guy think he was in church?
-- Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
Michael, I can assure you that I was not performing any unnatural acts with that table    
Here are some more pictures from the event in another thread.