Septic System Not Inspected

Originally Posted By: hgordon
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Need good verbiage for a statement that the septic system is not included in the inspection and further evaluation is suggested.

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Originally Posted By: jpeck
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On-site septic system not inspected, recommend having septic system pumped out and inspected by a septic system contractor.

Also be advised that when a small family moves out and a larger family moves in and uses more water, the septic system will be stressed and could fail. The same with a large family moving out and a smaller family moving in if the smaller family uses more water.

The above is a very good reason to have the septic system pumped out and inspected by a septic system contractor.

Now, you told them:

a) You did not inspect it.

b) They should have it pumped out and inspected.

c) Explained briefly WHY they should do the above.

d) Then you told them again to have it pumped out and inspected.

Jerry Peck
South Florida

Originally Posted By: hgordon
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Gracias amigo