Boundaries - something we take for granted sometimes, and often neglect to set. Tune in to our latest episode with Buck Fleming and see why boundaries are so important -
Keep them coming !
@pcrooks Thanks! We have (as of today) 148 episodes :). Use this link and you can listen to them all:
Great advice in this one: charge more for the “Guided Tour” package if the client wants to follow you around for the entire inspection. Otherwise, tell clients when the “Summary Appointment” is (at the end) not the start time for the inspection.
@clambrecht2 Yeah, I liked that one too. And he is doing it - so its not something we can’t institute or just conceptual. So I liked that one too
I just got burned on that… told the client to show up at 3pm for the last 45 minute walk through.
I had a gut feeling he was going to show up at 1200 when we scheduled the inspection, so I showed up at 1120 since it was a vacant house. Dude rolled up 5 minutes after I showed up. I asked if he lived by (thinking maybe he seen me) nope he was just making sure he could be there the whole inspection… took me so long to do the inspection since he was a talker, then his son came and shadowed me as well.
I would take control back by giving him a clip board and tape measure and telling him that I have a routine that I follow so I don’t miss things and I need to concentrate. So, please write down any questions you may have and I will address the at the end during the review of the inspection.
I may take a question during the inspection but it is I who makes that decision. If he/she persists, I just hold up my hand and continue to enter info or take pictures essentially staying on task.
They have a way of sneaking that request in after you have already given the quote.
Exactly why my quotes include the verbiage:
“Based upon the information provided to me…”
and / or…
“Fee adjustments may be made with differing information discovered…”