Should this structure sq ft be counted towards total square footage of the home?

I need advice on how to report square footage of a new two-story SFR on a building permit application. Please have a look at the renders and the floor plans.

Here’s the situation:

  • The gym and sauna unit is separated from the first floor by a breezeway and courtyard. So it’s a separate structure.

  • The sun deck on the second floor is above the gym so one can say the deck is actually a part of the gym’s roof.

Do I add the square footage of this structure to the overall square footage of the house? Or would it be better to report this as a separate structure?

This would obviously have a direct influence on how the government calculates its fees and taxes as well as how insurance companies approach coverage for the dwelling, etc.

Welcome to our forum, Denis!..Enjoy! :smiley:

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I’d contact the building department in addition to any advice you receive. Some departments exempt.

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Cross the t

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