You guys remember these?
Heel and toe taps. They don’t work to well on Crocks…
They sure help preserve the heels of my work boots when I was a young whipper snapper, and if you put them on the tip of your boots, you became a tap dancer. LOL
I used to do heel slides on the linoleum floors in middle school. Pretty sure the maintenance guys hated me…
Almost had enough to get a small sailboat when they shut it all down.
Or at very least raining!
I remember going to the S&H stamp redemtion center. There was one near us in Brooklyn.
We would have about 100 or so completed books. It was like Christmas to my sister and I.
And they still have them in Madawaska, Maine. And also old, Doug. LOL
Pop, fizz…
We all make mistakes…
If you remember this you are old. But a really cool kind of old.
Yes Brian,
The album came with a large sheet of rolling paper.