Solving the Santa Problem

:mrgreen:When the question comes up "How does Santa get in when we don’t have a fireplace?" Go to your local hardware store and get the special “Santa Key”. It’s a skeleton key, just put a red ribbon on it and hang it on the door so that Santa knows how to get in.

Shame on you Bobby, lying to you children. -X :stuck_out_tongue:

"Shame on you Bobby, lying to you children"

You mean it’s NOT TRUE !??!?:shock::shock::shock:

SANTA Tracker

:eek: Michael…you mean Santa does his shopping in China too? :shock: oh my…it’s worse than I thought! :(:wink:

Gosh i went to all the work and put a fireplace in and all i had to do is get a key

I’ll just tell my kids that this happened …