Something secret I just found out about Tom Rausch of NACHI Certified Training.

He has a Bachelor of Education degree.

Let’s see, a Bachelor’s degree in Education, performed thousands of inspections, and had a previous career as an event planner.

Is that perfect or what?

Has he taken any courses on HUMAN RELATIONS while he earned his degree?

Something ELSE you do not know about Tom Rausch…Pay GOOD attention…

1.) He is a STAND UP Guy…
2.) Does what he says…
3.) Treats his educator’s awesome…

4.) Has a GREAT WIFE, Loves his DAUGHTER and has great VALUES…

So…you this a reason to like the guy??:roll: :roll: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :wink:

Yep…considering I know these FACTS to be TRUE and verified myself…yep…all the reason I need.

:smiley: :smiley: That’s good enough for me then…:smiley: :smiley:

Tom is a good fella and doing great things with

Very high satisfaction reports coming from his classes.