Something to think about before calling it a night

God, forbid they bring up using nukes again.


Carpet bombing is next

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They may have trouble getting supplies in… :shushing_face:

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Russia has control of the air space. Therefore am not as optimistic as many.

I foresee a long and bloody battle lasting many years. Street by street urban gorilla warfare. As Biden recently stated, “the sanctions were never intended to stop Putin”. So, by the words of our own President, we should not expect him to stop. In fact, he will be only further isolated and threatened.

Now Putin is ringing the nuclear alarms because he is insane and motivated. And we are old, fumbling and weak.

God bless the Ukrainians, for they are their only last hope.

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Everyone loves to see the guy that is running his mouth and starting fights in the bar get knocked out. Coming back to and getting knocked out once more before walking out with blood running out of his nose.

This is really no different. Only, in Vlad’s case, not walking out.


In case you were curious

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Ukrainian street art.



Thanks for setting everyone straight. The pictures, video, and reports of the death and destruction were warping my opinion for what is really going on over there.


One thing I’ve learned over the years is that whatever the mob majority of Americans are believing is usually wrong. And that’s because they rely on the mainstream media for information, which turns their brains into dead sponge. The only issue I am addressing with the above cartoon is who are the aggressors who started all the shit.


According to some asshat Congressman on NewsNation this morning, it’s Trumps fault for not responding to the Ukraine in whatever way the Dems wanted him to during his administration!
I guess they finally got their replacement for “It’s Bushs’ fault”!


Trump kissed Putins ass to keep the peepee tapes secret.

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That’s why Brandon is buying 600,000 barrels of Russian oil every day. Can’t do more brown nosing than that.

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Trump derangement syndrome. You couldn’t impeach him so you have no evidence. “Known fact” - more like NO facts!


Trump denial syndrome. He was impeached… TWICE.


And innocent. Basic principle of law: Innocent until proven guilty.


You still believe there were good guys on one side of the isle and bad guys on the other during all of that?

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They interfered on both sides to sow distrust, polarization and false information. And, you may want to define interfered. Left says Trump presidency was not legitimate. Right says the next election was not legitimate. One is righteous and the other is an attack on democracy. Try and sort that.

You’re rooting for a turd of another color, but they are both turds.


You’re quite wrong. Impeachment (and subsequent removal and/or disqualification) and law are two different processes.

”Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”


He wasn’t removed from office or convicted!

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