Specialty Technical Publishers

Originally Posted By: gbell
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Have any of you had dealings with this company?

They sent me what they called a book Mold A Comprehensive Claims.
With an invoice for $483.60. I called the company and told them I never ordered it. I requested that they send me something in writing that shows I requested their product. They tell me that all they needed was authorization over the phone. This has been going off and on for over a year.

Today I get a nasty letter from a collection agency.

I just wanted to see if anyone else has had this experience.


Greg Bell
Bell Inspection Service

Originally Posted By: dfrend
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Where are they from? I would tell them that unless they cease trying to affect your credit you will be forced to report them to the states attorney generals office in the state of their office. Sounds like a scam, but not sure what idoits would fall for it. Bottom line, unless they have proof of an order initiated by you it is nothing they can collect on.

Daniel R Frend


The Home Inspector Store


Originally Posted By: kmcmahon
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I’ve heard of companies doing that to larger companies because the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, and it just gets paid and stacked in a corner. I’d do exactly what daniel suggested.

Wisconsin Home Inspection, ABC Home Inspection LLC

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Originally Posted By: gbell
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Hi Daniel,

There are from Vancover, BC.

I feel just as any of you would. I have no intention of paying it. I wrote them another letter and stated that I would welcome the oppurtunity of taking this to court. Let the court decide what they think about your business practices. If you choose to go to court I will use all legal remedies available to me to stop this type of practice. Maybe it will be another 6 months before I hear from them again.

Just wanted to see if anyone else has had the same experince

Greg Bell
Bell Inspection Service