SPIS forms are ticking time bombs

Please present some facts .
Most of Mikes Homes are about contractors who have done a very poor job.
I wonder why you and others are not complaing about them.
Many on W5 programs are about shoddy repairs on the home .
I wonder why you are do not have some thing to say about that .
Many programs on W5 are abour auto repairs .
I wonder why you have nothing to say about that.
BBB puts many compaints well above home Inspectors .
From Grocery,Snow plowing, Gardeners, Electronic, cell phones ,Electrictians, and hundreds more and you seem to ignore all these
Why do you just single out Home Inspectors.
You are not satisfied with BBB but do not seem to be able to find facts to back up your reasoning .

BBB Complaints list 2008
[size=2][FONT=Arial][size=2][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][size=2]Actual Complaints… 27[/FONT][/size][/size][/FONT]
[size=2][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][size=2]Complaints Settled …14[/size][/size][/FONT][/FONT]
[size=2][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][size=2]Complaints Not Settled… 13[/FONT][/size][/size][/FONT]
[size=2][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][size=2]These are Canadian Figures[/FONT][/size][/size][/FONT]
[size=2][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][size=2]BBB list of Complaints Home Inspection Ranked #108[/FONT][/size][/size]
Canada BBB 2008 Statistics Sorted by Complain[FONT=Arial][size=1][FONT=Arial][size=1]t [/size][/size][/FONT]
Industry Description Inquiries Report Rank Complaints Complaint Rank Complaints Settled % Complaints Not Settled % Complaints Unable to Pursue %[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/size]