Staff arguing about audio inspection products. Please help settle this dispute.

Stream them via phone/internet/laptop while driving. Serius/XM satelite?

I still have 8-tracks. My Merle Haggard ones are about worn out.

mp3 would be fine.

(As many here will attest, I sometimes wear a Tin Foil Hat. Is there any way to just beam the transmissions straight too me???)

Man that is funny Michael. lol :D:D:D:D
I wish I could grow a Beard that DARK. lol

CD (but the 8 track would be cool, I like to hear the track changing…flashbacks:cool:)

CD’s for those that would like them, and MP3’s for those that can use em…


I actually wonder why it is so hard for anyone to record audio off the NACHI TV if they really cant get enough.

I may do a audio version of the message board on a daily basis with special attention to the political and religion topics.
Anyone care to subscribe ? :slight_smile:

Here it is.

The talk of the industry.:wink:

I like the idea of having mp3s available on the site to download. I would burn them to a CD for listening.

Certainly more cost effective for NACHI and no shipping cosst for the inspector. You can also make CDs availible for those who would like them.

BK can have them beamed directly. :slight_smile:

CD for me my 8-track got ripped off from my 66 Dodge Charger when I was at the movies watching JAWS with my girl freind

CD for me.

CD for me. I know that kids use these MP5’s or whatever they’re called BUT most real men wouldn’t be caught dead with one.

What is a CD?
Is that like a record or something?

CD works great for me

Many Motor Cars/Horseless Carriages in the last 5 years come with a CD player that will also play MP3’s

Why not just setup a member download site; that way the member can decide which format they would want to listen.


Ipod for me…for the people in the boonies smoke signal or pony express.:slight_smile:

I feel Pony express would not work because PETA would get involved . So cd or download

Thats funny…because its true!