Structural Engineer Needed Orlando

[FONT=Times New Roman]Need structural beam which spans 40 feet and is supported on the ends (with columns or off the buildings structural walls)… A uniformly distributed load will be placed on the beam. The beam will be used in a fitness studio to hang punching bags and perform suspension training (TRX) from. The beam has to be aesthetically appealing since it’s going to hanging 1.5 foot below the drop ceiling. The ceiling is 15 feet high. There will 7 of these beams spaced 7 feet apart. So if one looked up to the ceiling you’d see all the beams running horizontal-7 feet apart- spanning 40 feet –supported with columns on the ends or off the structure of the building. This is an email from someone opening a gym in Orlando. He needs a structural engineer. Please email me dave@shockleyhomeinspections if you are interetsed in the work and I’ll get you his contact info.[/FONT]