I don’t disclaim it, I simply find what is the predominant veneer of the exterior (along with other pertinent information, including who the builder was if possible, that helps me decide what I will charge).
Because I have actual working knowledge and understanding in water management, I don’t mind inspecting most exteriors however with a home that is lets say more than 50% EIFS or Stucco it becomes a dollar and sense issue,…does it make sense for me to create a greater liability for myself at making…lets say $300 - $400.00 on a product where the majority of installers are not properly installing and or flashing same… my personal decision is No…its now worth it.
If I were to live in an area where Stucco and EIFS were king then it would be a different story.
(smile) Let me now ask you a question with hindsight being 20/20…would you still have done that inspection, especially in light of what got paid, or let it go?
Think about this…how many times have inspectors put their name to something without really understanding what they are looking at…I suspect we all have at one time or another…our business is mostly filled with people who come from specialty field, ie. electrical, hvac, roofing, with even a few with no background whatsoever…very few have a broad understand or actual hands on knowledge of I say more than 50% of the things we inspect…all for the average price
of $300.00 to be liable for a long time. People that ask me about this business, especially contractors, I tell them I have more liability in inspection a 1200 square foot cracker box then I do building a $500,000.00 home…they look at me like I am kidding…and I reiterate that I am not kidding.
When I build a home (and I have personally built hundreds of them) I am truly overseeing the project from clearing the lot to putting on the house numbers…I pick the mateials, my subs, and inspect the work from start to finish…with home inspections we are inspecting other builders work who more often then not are nothing more than paper pushing contractors that have enough money to take a 1day seminar in passing a state contractor exam (if your state even has such an animal) and presto!..your are now a GC…man, that is scary. Now you as the inspector are called, often years after the fact, to give an honest assesment as to the condition of the home…excuse me for laughing but really, is that a joke or what. Inspectors are not paid enough and most are pretty much like the aforementioned contractors…flying by the seat of their pants.
Let me also say that my inspection agreement is only 2 pages long of which the first page reference what we inspect in accordance to state SOP’s. I tweek it with a word or two every year based upon modifications made by the board and at times legal recommendations of a word here and there. Here in NC, the most important thing is to make sure you report coincides with what is required by the board… most of the franchise software does not… at least not without some serious modifications. I don’t know much about SC’s board but NC definitely does not have its inspectors best interest at heart…no surprise there.