Student Discussion: 25 Standards Every Inspector Should Know Course

A good and necessary review of the enormous amount of information covered so far. I am a licensed home inspector in Ohio completing this as part of my first year requirements for InterNACHI and am very satisfied with the info I’m learning so far. Learning takes repetition and time.

I agree totally with this response. 1.25" lines are for bath sinks and perhaps a bar sink, but the larger 1.5" size lines are for the kitchen sink. I always think that a garbage disposal, usually found in kitchens, needs more room for the food waste. I am also not a licensed plumber.

The 25 standards content is a great summary of key inspection guidelines.

I’m about to get started on the 25 Standards Every Inspector Should Know and I’m looking forward to it!

Looks like an intersting course! Starting it now.

Starting this course now, CPI coming soon! :grin: Good luck everyone!

Taking my state exam tomorrow brushing up with this class!

Just starting the 25 Things to Know… Counting now…

Going back through these courses as I’m reviewing… almost finished with my pre-licensing!

Starting the coarse to break from exterior coarse

A member just sent in a great essay response! Check it out:

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Research & Writing Essay Instructions

This research and writing assignment may take four hours.

In relation to this research and writing assignment: 

  1. Choose one inspection article from the Library of Inspection Articles or choose one illustration from the Illustration Gallery that directly relates to Standard #8: Drainage, Standard #15: TPR Discharge, or Standard #18: Traps
  2. Research and study the article or illustration. 
  3. In the box below titled “Your Essay," write an essay that describes what you’ve learned from reading and studying the article or illustration. 
  4. Upload and submit an inspection image or the chosen illustration along with the essay. 

Your essay must meet the following criteria: 

  • It must be written in English. 
  • It must be at least 80 words in length. 
  • It must be written at a minimum 4th-grade level.  
  • It must sufficiently comment upon the chosen article or illustration related to this course's main topics. 
  • It must include an inspection image.

This research and writing assignment is very similar to what a home inspector does during a home inspection--researching and studying inspection images and illustrations, studying and referring to and applying a Standards of Practice, taking inspection images, making observations, describing components, determining the condition of those components, formulating opinions, making recommendations to correct (if needed), proposing the implication of not making corrections to a defect (if observed), writing notes, and communicating observations in written form.

Please continue with the course after submitting your essay. If the essay does not meet the criteria, you'll be notified by email to rewrite the essay.

Having proper drainage installed on a house is essential to prevent water damage to the foundation. Gutters and downspouts are vital to control where rainwater will end up. Some important things to look at when inspecting gutters and downspouts are if they are free of rust, cracks, and holes to prevent leaking. Another important thing to look at is if they are adequately sized to prevent runoff and to make sure they divert water at least 4 to 6 feet away from the home's foundation. Downspouts are typically made of the same material as the gutters but have a few different things you need to look out for such as having proper connection between both the downspouts and gutters. Also to make sure it is attached properly to the home, make sure no leaking joints or installed upside-down and that the downspouts don't flow onto another roofs surface. The inspector should discuss with the client the importance of proper gutter system maintenance and the possible problems that comes with it so the client is fully prepared to deal with these issues should they arise.

Standard #9: Anchorage
Text says bolts shall be at least 12" from the end of the plate, and also says 7 bolts diameters minimum with minimum 1/2" dia. bolts.
The illustration shows 12" maximum from the plate end and 7 diameters minimum.
The exceptions paragraph looks like a c/p error. same wording with 2 different lengths.

The 25 standards is a good course that everyone should take

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I did my first essay in this course on the TPR Valve and discharge pipe. The one I inspected was on my own water heater in my garage.
The discharge pipe has two elbows diverting water away from the particle board sheathing to the concrete garage floor. I thought, according to our standards, it should not have any elbows. I researched online a little and I have gotten conflicting information.
Is this acceptable or what should be done here???

EDIT: Upon further research I answered my own question. I found that this is acceptable per Idaho water heater installation code (document PDS #420-A). Google was misleading!
I’ll leave my query up for all to see.

A member just sent in a great essay response! Check it out:

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To successfully complete this course, you must write two essays. 

This course page contains instructions for the first essay, which involves performing a home inspection, taking inspection images, using checklists, and writing a report. 

This assignment may take 8 hours to complete.

The second essay is described on the next course page.  

 In relation to this inspection and writing assignment: 

  1. INSPECTION: Perform a visual-only inspection according to the Home Inspection Standards of Practice. Inspect a system or component that was covered in the course and is directly related to Standard #8: Drainage, Standard #15: TPR Discharge, or Standard #18: Traps
  2. IMAGES: During the inspection, take several inspection images of that system or component. Use your phone, mobile device, or digital camera. It can either be in good condition or have a defect
  3. OBSERVATIONS: Make observations and take notes while inspecting. Use the InterNACHI® Home Inspection Standards of Practice to guide your inspection. Use your own inspection software or InterNACHI's inspection checklist.
  4. ESSAY: Write and submit an essay describing your observations and the inspection images. Upload an inspection image along with the essay. 

For example, you may inspect the ground surface around the house (drainage), the TPR valve extended to the floor (TPR discharge), or a drain trap under the sink (trap). Take several inspection images while performing the inspection. Make observations. Take a lot of notes. Then, prepare to communicate your observations in written form. This will be your essay.

This inspection and writing assignment is very similar to what a home inspector does during a home inspection--performing an inspection, studying and referring to and applying a Standards of Practice, taking inspection images, making observations, describing components, determining the condition of those components, formulating opinions, making recommendations to correct (if needed), proposing the implication of not making corrections to a defect (if observed), writing notes, and communicating observations in written form.

 Your essay must meet the following criteria: 

  • It must be written in English. 
  • It must be at least 80 words in length. 
  • It must be written at a minimum 4th-grade level.  
  • It must sufficiently comment upon the system or component inspected. 
  • It must be submitted with an inspection image. 

You will submit your essay in the box titled “Your Essay.” You will also upload your inspection image. Once you submit your essay, staff will review and mark it.   

Please continue with the course after submitting your essay. If the essay does not meet the criteria, you'll be notified by email to rewrite the essay.

Upon inspection of water heater it’s seen that there is no discharge pipe attached to the tpr Valve which is incorrect, for safety reasons to discharge pressurized hot water. There must be this discharge pipe attached. This is a material defect and must be corrected by a licensed plumber. Second thing upon inspection of this water heater is that there is no drip pan underneath the water heater. This must be present to catch discharge. from the TPR valve discharge pipe, this is also a defect and must be corrected by a licensed plumber.
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I would think so.
Older homes here in NC are grandfathered in a remodel or upgrading the electrical panel it should be moved.

Hi everyone. Darlene Here. I am looking forward to interacting and learning with everyone.

Me as well. 5 chapters left to finish!!!

Thank you for posting this! I have built houses but it was years ago now so this is new info for me and am very much enjoying the videos you have put together. I have ordered my IRC so I too can refer to it. Thanks again!!

A member just sent in a great essay response! Check it out:

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Research & Writing Essay Instructions

This research and writing assignment may take four hours.

In relation to this research and writing assignment: 

  1. Choose one inspection article from the Library of Inspection Articles or choose one illustration from the Illustration Gallery that directly relates to Standard #8: Drainage, Standard #15: TPR Discharge, or Standard #18: Traps
  2. Research and study the article or illustration. 
  3. In the box below titled “Your Essay," write an essay that describes what you’ve learned from reading and studying the article or illustration. 
  4. Upload and submit an inspection image or the chosen illustration along with the essay. 

Your essay must meet the following criteria: 

  • It must be written in English. 
  • It must be at least 80 words in length. 
  • It must be written at a minimum 4th-grade level.  
  • It must sufficiently comment upon the chosen article or illustration related to this course's main topics. 
  • It must include an inspection image.

This research and writing assignment is very similar to what a home inspector does during a home inspection--researching and studying inspection images and illustrations, studying and referring to and applying a Standards of Practice, taking inspection images, making observations, describing components, determining the condition of those components, formulating opinions, making recommendations to correct (if needed), proposing the implication of not making corrections to a defect (if observed), writing notes, and communicating observations in written form.

Please continue with the course after submitting your essay. If the essay does not meet the criteria, you'll be notified by email to rewrite the essay.

Article: TPR Valves and Discharge Piping Temperature/pressure-relief (TPR) valves are safety devices on water heating appliances. If pressure or temperature in water tanks exceed safe levels, the TPR valve should automatically release water at a high rate to reduce pressure. If the TPR valve malfunctions, water in the system will exceed the boiling point and become superheated. If a rupture occurs, the water will flash steam and explode or be propelled like a rocket. Although, an inspector should not test the TPR valve themselves. It is recommended that the homeowner test the TPR valve monthly. The inspector can provide education and demonstration on the water heater, TPR valve, main water shut on/off, and the hazards associated with a malfunctioning water heater and TPR valve.