Student Discussion: How To Perform Deck Inspections Course

Ben, I really enjoyed the video lesson in the deck class.

My first course- wish me luck!

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Good luck!

I’m about to start the course for how to perform deck inspections

I understand that girder beams cannot rely on the shear strength of lag fasteners alone. Is the same true of band boards at the outer edge of the deck (to which joist ends are attached? Can they be fastened to a post or do they have to bear fully on the post or proper notch?

In the Deck Inspection with Ben, it looked like the stringers were not connected with stringer hangers. Is that not a defect? Or are there certain wood configurations that are a suitable alternative to metal hangers, like ledger strips for joists?

My friends just built a deck, I am super curious to inspect their project in relation to this course!