Originally Posted By: dhadler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I don’t know who to address this to, so I’ll just throw it out to everyone.
I think it might be a good idea to put the country’s flag beside the printing which would draw your eye to the right destination much quicker than reading it or trying to access it and then finding out your in the wrong section, wrong country? I know visual aids are much easier to follow.
I also noticed after you key in your city to find an inspector, there is that little blurb that says something to the effect "sorry no inspectors found in that region... please try again" . Even though down the page further it prints out the city you have to click on to find the inspector.
Doesn't that seem a bit odd to anyone else 
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Our selective target marketing handles most of this already. For example, we only market Canadian-friendly www.InspectorSEEK.com in Canada and www.FindanInspector.US in the states.
Then the visitor applies another screen when they search. For example a consumer using either of those sites to seek for an inspector in one area is only going be given results for inspectors in that one area anyway.
If you look in www.InspectorSEEK.com for a home inspector in Toronto, ON, no inspectors from Alabama are going to appear in the results anyway.
Originally Posted By: dhadler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Gotta hand it to ya Nick, your quick on the draw. Don’t you ever sleep?
While I have your attention, Ill throw a couple more at you. I only mention them because when I first logged on to the NACHI site, they were things I noticed. It appeared to be a U.S. site. I know adding Canada has been a new development but maybe a new heading would be a good idea as well as a map picture of both U.S. and Canada at the top?
If space isn't"t an issue, you could move the "by city/State" and "by zip code" up to the same line and put Canada's stuff below that on another line. That way it would all be visible on the screen without having to scroll down to find out that NACHI is now in Canada as well.
There is also a spot on the home page that the flag idea could be implemented as well. (Find an inspector in the top right hand corner)
These are just a few ideas from one person, and I know you would have hundreds of different ideas and would never be able to satisfy everybody.
If you like em, use em, if not, that's OK too. 
Originally Posted By: dhadler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nice Web-site Todd…for a Yank Just playing with ya
I realize there are two separate inspector finds, I just figured if people start getting familiar with the NACHI idea and log on it they may find what they are after easier?
That blurb about "sorry no inspectors found " was actually in InspectorSEEK. Try putting in Medicine Hat under City and you can see what I mean.
Well I need some shut eye, gotta inspect an igloo tomorrow morning.
It's 31 below right now, without the wind chill!! That's just WRONG
Talk to you later ...if I don't freeze my Ka-honies off
Originally Posted By: staylor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Another suggestion- When I first joined NACHI, I was the only member in my area and enjoyed the fact that I was the only listing. Since then, several of my competitorrs have joined and have pushed my listing to the bottom. I have seen a noticable decrease in calls from the website listing as a result. Is it possible to have a rotating listing for inspectors for a given area so that all inspectors have a chance at the top listing for their area?