Switch Up Your Business and Turn on the Income

Hello Inspectors,

Today we ran an important story by Dan Huber, CEO of Inspection Support Network, about the ten business switches that will turn on your income.

You can check it out here: http://www.workingre.com/switch-up-your-business-and-turn-on-income/

Working RE Home Inspector publishes the most widely distributed magazine to inspectors nationwide. Our January 2017 issue will be distributed to 16,000 inspectors. We are always looking for good stories, so if you’d ever like to share your perspective with the industry, you can email me at isaac@orep.org. Thanks for reading!

I completely disagree with #10:

It makes national associations (are there even more than one at this point?) look like nothing more than an provider of chairs to sit in front of chalkboards. It’s 2016. Times have changed.

I really liked this article and thank you so much for posting it. My favorite was Income Switch #1: Realize it’s all about service.

I have seen tremendous growth in my business since I began to focus more on the standards and quality of my service.

I am a fan of Inspection Support Network.