TAREI Standards Ethics course

I have been to 3 of the mandatory Standards and Ethics courses (simply an interest in the topic) and I have found that the Standards are not Standard by the wildest stretch. The variation of instructor opinion is diverse. Here is an affordable course in North Texas. Free for TAREI members and $25 for others. You need this to renew your license.


Thanks John, perhaps try to the TPREIA courses. They have and are being held all over the state. Free to TPREIA and InterNACHI members.

Try “take”. It is a typo?

John -

Saw the TPREIA meeting in Waco & the TAREI one in Arlington about 1 week apart. Arlington is closer than Waco so I’m planning on going to the Arlington meeting. You going ???

I am going to Arlington. If work is slow I might also go to Waco. I am doing a study on the variation of interpretation.

competency testing should be required

Does anybody know of a course that would be given closer to Houston any time soon? I missed out on the last one that was around here.
John, will you be writing something about the differences you find?

Sure, I’ll try to post it here and on www.soprfi.com. I found there are usually 5 to 8 incorrect statements made per seminar. They vary by speaker. A few need to be corrected and others just ignored. My main discovery is I could produce a similar course by reading the SoP and Ethics on a youtube video and just about nail it. Some speakers read, some read with pictures and some ad lib. I find most inspectors are aware of the SoP fairly well. The regulated mandate will not accomplish much but what the hey, we should read them at least once a year.

Thanks John. I registered last with soprfi and started to read a little about the comments made/questions sent to TREC by you as I was reading the SOP.
do you ever get any answers from TREC and if yes, do you post them?

William, answers to SOPRFI questions are in the far right “Reply” column at SOPRFI.

TREC also posted many of them at http://www.trec.state.tx.us/faq/faq-enf.asp#Cat26 TREC did a good job answering them. They were very cooperative.

I have not posted any in the past year because the Standards are under review again. I am sure there will be more questions when a new version is released.

Good inspecting.

I just got in from the TAREI seminar. There were about 40 people. Jay Fuller did a great job. Larry Battarbee also did a great job teaching about insurance policies.

Yes there were variations in opinion compared to other shows I have seen but generally they are minor and judgement based. Jay is the most energetic instructor I have seen. It is a pleasure to sit in his classes.

J. Fuller kept my attention and when you yourself teach that impresses me.

J.D. was the one who trained me. I agree, he’s definitely energetic!
Thanks for the info about TREC response and thanks Michael for pointing out where to look for the answers on SOPRFI.

I also attended the seminar. Depending on the instructor, this topic can be ‘boring’. Jay was quite the opposite. The day was over before I knew it and I went away with some new knowledge.

Larry did an excellent job of exposing some major ‘unknown’ issues with insurance policies.

Just realized … Did not get CE certificate. Anybody else get theirs??

No, I did not.

bet $$$ to donuts if you contact her
it’ll be in the e/mail before the fat-man arrives
unless she took a few well deserved days off for the holidays (doubtful)

Contact Us:
Texas Association of Real Estate Inspectors.
P.O. Box 90745
Austin, Texas 78709-0745

E-mail: andrea @ tarei.com

John Cahill -

I’ve called left message once and emailed twice. No response yet

Does TAREI always do this sort of thing.

Angela -

I took the TAREI ethics & stds CE class in Arlington on 12/17/11. Paid the instructor with Cowboy hat $25 at door and signed in. Its been 3 weeks and I’ve NOT got an email from you as they said would happen with RECORD of CE’s. I also emailed you on 12/28 asking about this … Never been to TAREI class before / When do I get my certificate

I emailed Andrea. Will advise asap. John