I have one never use it, scares me to death.
Gorilla make some nice ladders also. I use the 13’ and 21’ everyday. If you get this type get one that has a push to unlock/lock, not the dial type. The dial type is difficult tell if it is locked.
Do not get me started.
That old piece of------ had such a big hole I could have pulled a Fred Flintstone and used my feet for brakes.
My solution with that was to drill in a plumbing flange at the corners and screw in pipe for a ladder rack.
You must read different in Arizona. Your posted picture does not follow manufacturer’s instructions. You can see in your very photo that you did NOT raise the 3rd rung. It is still in direct contact with the 2nd rung. Are you following FoxNews ladder tips?
From Manufacturer’s instructions Step 1, 2, c, d
“With both hands, pull up on the coupling of the 3rd rung (as seen in the ladder diagram) **from the bottom.”
**"Make sure that each rung is pulled up to it’s full extension and locks before attempting to extend the next rung.
Then in the “TIP” it states, "To extend the ladder to it’s fullest height, pull up on the top rung first, raising the rung to it’s full extension, making sure it locks in place. Then continue with each remaining rung. Again making sure that each rung locks in place before extending the next rung.:
So to correct you once again, when NOT raising it to full extension, you PULL UP FROM THE BOTTOM RUNGS to the appropriate height. When using at full height, you EXTEND the rungs from the top. :shock:
I not know,I not know.
A ladder style where you gotta worry about that stuff is not what *Mr Safety *would recommend.
All because you do not work out enough to carry a Real Man’s ladder.
I use this exact ladder and have no complaints. It has worked great for me for the 2yrs I’ve had it. Some of the ladders have a strap to keep closed this one does not. I use a bungee ( I could have bought w/a carrycase but didn’t). But again its worked great for me.