Testing HVAC with power off?

Originally Posted By: dbrantley
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Is there anyway to use a generator to test the HVAC? Most of my inspections are done with no utlities. Anyway to plug into the house and test?

Originally Posted By: kmcmahon
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Only if the home is wired with an outside connection for a generator.

I know it's tough, as I do a few that are shut down for the winter, but then you're talking about turning on the gas, lighting the furnace, etc. You just don't know what's hooked up and what's not and you would be opening yourself up to some serious liability.
You're better off telling your client to make sure the homeowner has everything turned on for the inspection or you'll have to put a disclaimer on everything you couldn't check. It's not your fault that things weren't ready for the inspection. Many homes here are summer homes and they are completely shut down for the winter. No heat, water and no electric, and now there's snow on the roof so you can't check that thoroughly either.

Wisconsin Home Inspection, ABC Home Inspection LLC

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Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

You can plug in through the dryer or stove receptacle assuming it is wired properly. The main would have to be in the off position. Many people do that down here after storms when the power is out, but I wouldn’t. I also wouldn’t do it for an inspection, I would simply write down what I inspected, and what I didn’t.