The inspector committee meets Monday to discuss adoption of the posted Standards. If they approve them the Commissioners can adopt on June 30. My comments are at I will try to attend the meeting. John
John, I’m going to try and attend as well, at least for awhile.
As a 30 year home inspector, national trainer, long time ASHI member (#1038), licensed contractor, etc I would strongly urge Texans to shy away from ASHI’s SOP as recommended by Mike Casey. There was a time when I felt differently but the iNACHI, NAHI and the current Texas SOP are all more explanatory and less vague than the current ASHI sop.
I must agree, by screwing with their SoP in an attempt to create an exclusive market all they accomplished was to make their voice more irrelevant in regards to legislation. It would not be a surprise to find out ASHI was taking advice from the boys over at the NHIE who are hellbent to see every state licensed at any cost.
Famous last words, I know…but there is no chance that the TREC Inspectors Advisory Committee would recommend the adoption of any trade association SOP. The Advisory Committee ( 6 Texas HI’s & 3 public members) will do one of two things today…make several very minor tweaks to the proposed SOP (that they wrote) and then pass it on to TREC for final consideration and implementation or they will realize more work is needed on the proposed SOP and will inform TREC that it will be several more months before they have a final SOP to present to them.
At least we were forced to purchase E&O insurance prior to being subjected to an SOP that we cannot comply with. Genius! :twisted:
Any new status from today’s meeting?
You guys are all mistaken. I have it from a very sound authority that, on the planet of Texas, licensing is a smoothly run, non-controversial, welcomed and beloved way of life for all Texas home inspectors.
You guys are all mistaken. I have it from a very sound authority that, on the planet of Texas, licensing is a smoothly run, non-controversial and beloved way of life for all Texas home inspectors.
You got the part about ‘planet Texas’ correct…:mrgreen:
I attended the meeting today until about noon. I could write a book but I won’t. Suffice it to say it went mostly as predicted. The Advisory Committee had received 70 pages of comments and was going thru them one by one. 75% of them were being glossed over as the committee felt they had been addressed in the SOP or they simply disagreed with the comment. A little non-substantive word-smithing was agreed upon but like some of us expected the proposed SOP will still likely go to the full committee within a few days and maybe adopted at the end of the month.
Jim…instead of being so GD critical of Texas, Texas HI’s and our system why don’t you offer up some usable suggestions. Degrading us and the system we are saddled with is really not helpful at all.
I doubt that I will do my usual detailed ‘blue font’ comments on the meeting today as it takes a lot of time and only about 2-3 folks give a crap anyway. Do you sense a little bitterness…hell yes…I listen to crap at the meeting then come here to try to get ideas on how to address the issues but it just turns into a pi$$ing contest as it normally does. Maybe I’ll get motivated to share and discuss this more tomorrow, probably not. Oh well…c’est la vie said the old folks…goes to show you never can tell… .
Hey, Mike!
I am not being critical of Texas.
I am critical of the lunacy of state run home inspections…aka “Licensing”. You have a fellow Texan who, whenever something bad is pointed out about licensing, will post how the Texas licensing laws and board run smoothly, have none of the problems mentioned in laws from other states, and is widely loved and accepted by all Texas home inspectors.
Apparently, he is wrong.
I will give you $100 if you can post the proof of the above statements…
We in Texas don’t need exaggerations and mocking. Give us something
real or leave us alone.
Just curious, is there a statue of limitations on a HI in Texas?
According to my lawyer, it is two years after the client could sue. This generally means two years after the purchase. But who really knows? It is hard to get a yes or no answer from TREC.
Here is one of the most recent instances:
I posted: “What is inevitable, IMO, is the enlightenment as to the folly of licensing to continue to the degree that laws begin to be rescinded (at best) or reversed from licensure to simple registration, as a means of collecting revenue.”
You Responded:
Seems like a post from a happy inspector who loves his licensing law to me.
Then, there was this statement made by you in response of my criticism of a Canadian licensing proposal:
Again…a proud Texan defending his wonderful licensing law. The problems that others have (mandatory E&O, licensing boards making rules that hurt inspectors, etc.) don’t happen in Texas, according to you.
There’s more…
Cool. We need a definitive answer to that question here in AZ. I would like to see our association push for a national standard on a statue of limitations.
Like I said…turns into a useless pi$$ing match having nothing to do with anything productive or useful. You guys have fun…no more from me.
Thank you for all of your efforts on behalf of Texas Inspectors!
I’ve seen many very good comments from Inspectors regarding the new SOP and have provided half a dozen pages myself. I am surprised that the IC did not have a much larger stack of comments. Was there any mention of how many responses there were?
It sounds like the meetings are to fill squares and that the real decisions are made, privately, between public meetings.
Much is happening to change things that seem to have been in place for some time in Texas. Has anyone stated why there is a need for these changes (mandatory E&O, modified SOP, etc)?