Years ago, even before NY state had a license requirement for inspectors, I decided to be one. I did pretty well, but was always concerned about my competence. Then I discovered NACHI. Even as a non-member, I started learning immediately! As it was my part-time job then, I asked about paying my membership over time. Nick Gromicko responded personally, saying pay as you can, our main concern is making you a good inspector. I’ll NEVER FORGET THAT! In the 20+ years since, I’ve become a NY State-approved home inspection instructor, CMI, and have enjoyed a very satisfying and lucrative career. As I approach retirement, I want to say that none of this would likely have happened without my interNACHI membership. THANK YOU!!!
Well said, Wendell!
Retire Wendy ? Your just a kid…
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Great testimonial of the InterNACHI membership. They are #1
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A link to this post should be the auto response whenever someone asks “is InterNachi worth it?”. Thanks for the post Wendell
Awesome story! Internachi has also been, and continues to be a valuable learning source for me as well.
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- It’s time.
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71 years young enjoy your retirement.
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