Thank you Ronald Reagan.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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Ronald Reagan

Originally Posted By: Mike Parks
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Tell me that this is the first that I heard that he is gone.

No do not tell me.

mike p.

Originally Posted By: awatson
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I’ve always loved Reagan’s farewell speech:

It's just filled with hope and optimism for tomorrow. Great read when you need a little lift.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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He was my Commander in Chief in the 80's (army).

I loved him.


Originally Posted By: cnordby
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A Great man indeed.


Seattle, WA.

Originally Posted By: mthomas
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My Commander in Chief as well (Navy-subs), many interesting conversations with people in various parts of Europe concerning Reagan.

Originally Posted By: Vince Santos
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It’s great to come here and see posts such as the above ones. I sincerely appreciate the fact that you all recognize Reagan as a great President and decent man.

Desire is half of life, indifference is half of death.

–Kahlil Gibran

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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A truly great President. Extremely persuasive, intelligent, patriotic, knew his strengths and limitations. A great communicator.

For folks like Walter Mondale, his opponent in a presidential election year, to praise Reagan, speaks volumes.

Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."

Originally Posted By: hgordon
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Mr President,

You, who once spoke the words needed to give this Nation the comfort they needed during many dark times, are the one that this Nation needs to hear from as we again go through a dark period. A period of mourning the President, the Man, the Person.

You Mr. President honored American's by the manner in which you lived your life. I will never forget you, nor the last time I saw you, during the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston when you gave your Address.

You always spoke into our hearts. I so remember your words during that address:

"May all of you as Americans never forget your heroic origins, never fail to seek divine guidance, and never lose your natural, God-given optimism. And finally, my fellow Americans, may every dawn be a great new beginning for America and every evening bring us closer to that shining city upon a hill...My fellow Americans, on behalf of both of us, goodbye, and God bless each and every one of you, and God bless this country we love."

You then waved goodbye and I have not seen you since, but now you have "slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."

May the God whom you have held close to you all these years, have reached out at that special moment and received you into glory.

Harvey Gordon
SE Florida NACHI Chapter - President

Originally Posted By: Mike Parks
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I think Vince said it best “and decent man.”

Mike P.
(we need a respect smiley face) not for Ronny but so that we can show each other respect.

Originally Posted By: jburkeson
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Found this on another site, says what my heart feels…

In Memory of President Ronald Reagan.

For all the good that you have done for this country, for all the love, and dedication, for your unwavering pursuit of Freedom and Democracy, for your constant and relentless attack of communism and liberalism, for believing in the American spirit and the American people, for inspiring us to dream and hope for a better tomorrow, and for your measureless love of God, President Reagan we would like to humbly thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We will always remember your legacy, your courage, and your vision!

We will always remember your passion, kindness, and gentleness!

We will never forget your love for this country and its people!

Your presidency and life will remain a bright and remarkable example of true patriotism and leadership for future generations. You secured freedom and brought hope to all Americans, and restored freedom and destroyed the communist tyranny in most of the world. Your spirit and vision for America will NEVER be forgotten and you will ALWAYS be in our hearts and prayers.

Memory Eternal.

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Originally Posted By: hgordon
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Great Post Joe!

Originally Posted By: gjohnson
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I will be going to all the processions this week. I plan on sitting on 495 as they go past on Wednsday, then my neighbor and I are getting up at 4am on Friday to get a front line spot on Friday on Constitution Ave.

I will try to get some pictures.

Gary (Snicker's) Johnson - Free NACHOS
The NACHI Foundation
Executive Director


Originally Posted By: wwarner
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A humbling moment when another chapter in your life closes and you realize you’re another day older than you want to be.

A superb President, leader, and role model. I can only hope my children have the privilege to know a man as honorable as he.

A president who enjoyed getting his hands dirty and working with his fellow Americans. I was told a story where he arrived in Ft. Wayne, IN to view flood damage and control measures during his presidency. A worker called to him jokingly and said "Mr. President, we could use another hand on this line." So he rolled up his sleeves and started tossing sand bags with the rest of them!

You have been, and will be missed.

...And so, goodbye, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.


It's only Rock 'n Roll.... but I like it!