The world of discovery and science.

I do not know if you have read this…

A very large scientific conference being held in Oslo captured 3 amazing scientists out of over slightly more than 100.
there grand inventions were highlighted during what was thought to be a quiet conference.
The media packed to auditorium in Germany once they heard a rumor of what may be stated…

1: The German scientist ambles up to the podium and states 18 month prior and under secrecy **they cloned a human from a leg **that is now out looking work.

The auditorium went ballistic.
The huge revelation caught the medias attention quickly. The news papers went abuzz after 3 days of listening to the tens of competitors the last three are invited to speak and waiting for something new and innovative.
They sure got it!

2: The Austrian scientist ambles up to the podium and states emphatically about their secret achievement is of greater importance by nature. They have used a finger nail to clone a human just 18 months ago that is now doing the same and seeking employment.

The news papers abuzz already run new news headlines and another PM paper.
"Austrian seeking greater attention in hopes of a Nobel Prize and financial reward… “Cloned men out looking for work.”

3: The Canadian scientist from Quebec ambles up to the podium and racially denounces the other two for not being distinct in their heritage and proudly states they have taken a cell from an anus and cloned it into a now seated government some 18 months prior and now everyone is looking for work.
Unfortunately he was stunned by receiving no applause.

Anyone here this? Its hard to believe what you read online anymore.