Tips for Adding Your State License to Your Profile

Hi folks!

We’ve been updating our license number system to allow for better record-keeping and better reporting to your state departments. As I’ve been working on it and answering emails, I’ve found that there are a few common questions and problems. Here are some tips and answers to help you out:

  • If you do not have a license in your state, or any state, do not enter a number at all in our system. You’ll still get credit with InterNACHI and be able to download our standard certificate.

  • If you are working through your pre-licensing course, do not enter a number for your state (since you don’t have one yet). Once you complete the pre-licensing requirements, and receive a number, go back and enter it then.

  • Do NOT enter your InterNACHI ID, your driver’s license number, your social security number, a random number like “123”, or an EDU code from one of our courses. These are not valid license numbers, and will only clog our system with bad data. If you don’t have a license, leave it blank.

  • Only enter license numbers that will be used for state credit. If you don’t know whether, say, a contractor license will be accepted for state credit, look through the approvals at or ask Ben Gromicko at

  • The license system is only used for state credit, and will not be displayed anywhere publicly. If you want your license numbers to display in our search engines, go to and enter the numbers in the “Suffix” field.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

To edit your license numbers:

Nice work.