Today's daily door prize donated by Nick.

1 very old U.S. silver dollar (real silver) from my personal collection.

First member to reply wins.

Way cool! Thanks Nick!



Which one is it Nick?!!! I’m so excited I almost wet my pants on this one! :slight_smile:

You’re in luck. WalMart is selling “Depends” for $.99.:wink:

missed again

Really? I’ll have to go check that out. :mrgreen:

Hey Nick, I just got this and thanks for the extra Buffalo Nickel. :slight_smile:

Wanna give us the specs on it? Peace Dollar right? 1923 and I’m not sure of any identifying marks as it’s pretty well worn.

Thanks again!!! Oh and tell Krystal thanks for the Multimeter!!! I got that as well. :slight_smile:

Hello Nick, I’ve been so busy and not able to get on as often as I would like. The silver dollar deal was probably from months ago. Anyway if Nick actually reads this, it was good meeting you at the seminar you gave at Portland University a few months ago. I’m really impressed by what you’ve done with Nachi. Good luck in the future. Martin Kuna, Dr. mold, Portland, Oregon