Today's daily door prize. First 8 to reply win Paul's Audio CD.

I’m not getting any audio from either #1 or #2. :frowning:

Well they were free…don’t we profess you get what you pay for? :slight_smile:

Can’t argue that logic. :slight_smile:

I was just curious if I had the one and only, or if for some reason problem with my dvd drive, which I doubt.

Winning did get me to download the accompanying PDF, and I’m glad I did.

I guess 1 out of 2 isn’t so bad then. :mrgreen:

Me I will take one

They are MP3’s and can only be played as such. Send me the CD and I will replace it as they all worked fine but different equipment can be touchy. Nick paid for them…so it might be free to you…but not to him. Contact me and I will send a replacement if it is not working for you.

Again…these are audio’s only and not auto loading. Again, just let me know and my office will send out another one…no worries.

E-mail me your address and my office will resend you a copy of Part I & II…

Are you expecting them to load on their own…or are you trying to open the file on each disk from a software. They are not auto loading products so that everyone is clear. You have to view them from a player that allows MP3 files.

I have sold quite a few of these and this is the first I am hearing of any audio issues…could be the batch…but again I will replace anything not working. Just get me the serial number on each CD and we will resend…

OK. I tried again using iTunes and another program, no luck, Part III opens immediately, no problem, with either program.

Well yea :). Was going to listen to that audio CD in the old truck.

Can you send me one on a 8 track.

Little behind the times. Thanks

Anyone who got a CD and it did not work…I only think it was 1 or 2…let me know as I am now settled into my new home and studio and can begin to send you a replacement. Just email me…if you already did…and I did not send you a CD do so again as I am on a new computer system and lost quite a few of my e-mails. Email is still

Welcome home Paul we all missed you all the best … Roy

Hey Fella…I have been working like mad…mad I tell you ! I finally purchased a new home on nearly 3 acres and no longer stay in an apartment away from my family. We are all back together again after 5 years of being apart. I am behind on the many projects I planned on working on but such is life…we shall move on and finish what the good lord allows us to finish.


me what terry…lol…I am not giving CD’s away…lol…just replacing any that did not load properly…:wink:

You are my mentor :wink:

And you are my guiding light…boy we sound like lovebirds…lol…ok…watch the comments now…

I always seem to miss out…

Well, you are almost a year Late. :wink:

I know, just kidding around with some of these old door prize threads.