Too Picky

Close Bruce, it is a 1" main water supply line spliced into a water softener by a “Plumber”, I did not care for the pipe supports. :slight_smile:

Brine line was not much better.

Every one of these defects would be in my report.

I’ve had people not care that basement walls were caving in.
I’ve had people who freak out about missing base molding.

If you have to spend lots of time putting the small stuff into perspective, the clients should probably just be renting.

Report EVERYTHING you see and let them decide.

Top of door bell and always one of my favorites. :slight_smile:

Me No English :alien:

I had a realtor just call me and ask if the electric really needed evaluated even after seeing these pictures and reading my comments. Also, no main breaker was present so ALL the breakers had to be disengaged to turn off the power. No main outside either. She thought I was picky…because ther rest of the house was remodeled and beautiful and could not understand that something was found.




Ask her if she would accept that in her house, tell her to be honest.

It would be like having an antique car fully restored except for the brakes (old worn originals). Would that be picky? Seemly small issues can be devastating given the right conditions (foam flying off the Space shuttle). Some do put ridiculous items in the report (loose door knob, dirty windows) but when an item is a safety item it isn’t being picky. Its being thorough. Let the customers decide what is picky.

Saw a gutter that was disconnected wash out a foundation.
Saw leaks in pipes get worse and finally do damage to a house.
Saw people explode with anger when they found out some doors not working.
Saw scorched burt spots around some exhaust vents.

Many little things can get big real fast. If the Realtors does not like it,
then they can jump in a lake.


I’d agree with your realtor. It doesn’t need to be evaluated.

It needs to be repaired!

We’re paid to be picky.

Defenitely too picky Dale. :wink:
Obviously the home owner needed to make a few minor adjustments to the trusses to get that decking down, come on, they need to store their christmas ornaments somewhere.

They will sell anyone a Sawsall dontchaknow.