Trouble with ITA Expo in Vegas. Am I being a jerk?

It appears they are giving everyone 2 passes per booth except NACHI.

And if they have those dumb "I’m a member of ASHI, a no-entrance-requirement association that encourages its unqualified newbies to perform actual fee-paid inspections for unsuspecting consumers, RU?" or whatever those stupid RU? name badge lariats had on them in Miami, I’m going to puke.


Maybe its just that everyone knows you have deep pockets and that you are a hell of a nice guy.

NICK now is the time for one of your famous letters be very sweet.

Sorry I do believe there might have been an error on our Passes to the show . I have been talking to various others who have Booths and I am led to believe that all who have ordered Booths have are being given two Passes per booth . We have booked 5 booths and would appreciate this being straighten out as soon as possible . I expect some one has made a small over site Thanks for you time I remain Nick Gromicko

( No longer the Janitor at NACHI ) ( Sorry Could not resist ) Roy
If they do not come through look at all the amunation you will have and if they come through you can send them a thank you letter for fixing it
Looks like a win win for NICK

Roy, I’m reading your post while on the phone with ITA’s event coordinator, Jessica… guess what?.. it worked.

She just took care of everything for NACHI.

See ya all there. We’re back on!

And the ex janitor still knows how to fix things Great glad for all .

I’ve read through my packet from ITA and I have one badge for my one booth.

Additional badges are $175 per person. Says so right on the application form to be a vendor.

And that doesn’t include any education sessions. If we wanted to attend any of those, add another $275 per person.

So, I will be working my one booth all by myself. Better watch my liquid intake or I could have a problem.

Two is a bare minimum per booths, when I was the Logistics Manager for Body-Mind-Spirit Expos in the SE for 3 years.

If I get to go to a class, fine. But-
My primary objective in being there is to man the NACHI booths, as much and for as long as needed - just like Fla.

Stop by & say hi, everybody!