We have to get rid of the machines.
Yep, brown paper bags are the way to go.
Only 14% of Iowa’s Republican voters showed up and only 50% of them voted for him. Not much of a victory if you ask me.
In other news, if you read between the lines, he is admitting that he broke the law, he knows that he broke the law, and that he should get complete immunity from breaking the law in the election subversion criminal case against him
Doesn’t matter anymore - he’s got syphilis!
The fact that almost half of the Republicans in Iowa voted for someone other than Trump means that he’s lost the party and all he has left is the remnant BNC (Base Nutjob Contingent) which will leave him hard pressed to win the party nomination let alone beat Joe Biden in November which now looks like a complete impossibility… Prove me wrong. .
These psycos are amazing.
I also heard yesterday he is actually a transvestite
That & syphilis gets my vote
The simplest explanation is usually the best one… Hamburder ketchup.
NH gonna get CRUSHED (in a good way) tomorrow by the TRUMP TRAIN.
4 in a row IA, NH, NV, SC, what’s the barber say? “NEXT”… MI then super Tuesday which Trump is projecting 90+ to single digits.
Keeping Trump ‘in-the-game’ is the very best outcome America can hope for, this will weaken any chance for those like Nikki who will continue to drain their war chests campaigning against The Donald (who will most likely be disqualified by November) when they really need to be saving that for their battle against Joe Biden who has raised a fortune in campaign finances. Who knows maybe the public is wising up to Trump’s grifting ways.
Yep same in SC too.
Faits accomplis.
Trump sets new record… doubles the number of votes in SC.
Poor Kevin has TDS too.
Link? I searched for it but didn’t find it. Would like to read more about that.