Tuesday's election will be a big win for Republicans and stock market investors

Here comes the red wave and a nice bump up in the markets. Don’t let ideology prevent you from making money next week.

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I hope so. We have been losing big.

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Is anyone fed up with having to explain to people how democrats are responsible for this mess we’re in?


Stop talking to democrats!!


Sometimes it’s family and you can’t avoid it lol.


Same answer!! Disown them if need be!

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Let me guess… It’s a global problem and not Biden’s fault?

Then you have to remind them that the Global leftist all around the world have the same destructive policies as Biden. Kill energy, kill farmers, shut down business, print money.


Pretty much. You’ll hear them say the same things that kind of change week to week. I eventually noticed everything they say is actually an msnbc headline lol.


Tuesday’s election will be a big win for Republicans and stock market investors

I like to look at the other side of the coin. Tuesday’s election will be a massive decimation of the Democrat Party! :rofl:


I think deep down we all know whats going to happen. The Republicans will have big leads in all the key states. Then all of a sudden, the counting will stop for quite a while. 30 plus minutes. Then, when the new count appears, magically, the Democrat will not only have the lead, but JUST ENOUGH of a lead. Then you do the math and realize that what just happened was an 8 to 1 or as high as 15 to 1 ratio of Democrat votes to Republican votes.


But Biden told us NOT to question election results the other night during his speech. That would be a threat to democracy.

Which is completely absurd. The BEST way to protect democracy is for the voters (who are in charge) to demand transparency and challenge the “administrators”.

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Agreed. Other countries finish there entire elections in a single day with less people counting.

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The one thing I’d give the Democratic party is the marketing and selling of their ideas and system. They kick the crap out of the Republicans on this. The majority of the news/social media (and yes, plenty of my friends and family) follow it like a cult and eat it up. The Republicans need to catch up with this. Elon buying Twitter is a great start.

It just blows my mind how the left can screw the people that vote for them… and said screwed people just keep voting for them (this is what I mean by good marketing). All politicians are crooked and dishonest yet the Dems somehow convince a good chunk of people that they are pulling for them when nothing could be farther from the truth.

The problem for Dems is they get too cocky and go too far down the road of their ideal woke BS and that’s too much for more people than they think. Soooo, we end up with elections like what’s coming Tuesday. As much as some of Trump’s ideas and accomplishments were good he did a lot of damage to the Republican party due to his delivery. I’m hoping for a DeSantis and maybe Kari Lake ticket in 2024. Even if Trump were to win in 24 I think it would be a step backwards for Republicans in the long game.

In any case, I’m excited for Tuesday to get this country recalibrated a bit. And yes, my IRA could use some help!!


Agreed! The democrats have virtually all of the media, with few exceptions, carrying water for them. The biggest thing is deflection. Everything a democrat says a republican is doing or being is really that themselves. This is a communist tactic from Karl Marx. It’s AMAZING how accurate it really is. I’d say 95 percent plus accurate. So every time a democrat accuses a republican of doing or being an “ist” or an “ism”, look into the democrats history and you’ll find that THEY have done all the things they yell at conservatives.


I’m telling all my progressive friends to not allow politics and ideology prevent them from making money next week. They all agreed.


Yep, that is what I was thinking, too, Manny. :sunglasses:

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It’s irrelevant. The market ALWAYS dips just prior to an election and rebounds after no matter who wins.

Be sure to vote in person on election day. Makes it harder for them to cheat.


It’s all about maintaining a proper chain of custody for every ballot cast. When the Republican counters get kicked out of the room and boxes of ballots get pulled out from under the table and get stuff in the machine at 1 AM in the morning the chain of custody has been broken.