Undersized service

I read a comment/verbiage on here once and cannot find it now…

My clients are buying a home built in 1995…it has an unpermited finished basement…another thread…but the finished basement gives this home 5 bedrooms…electric appliances except water heater and furnace…

100amp service…too small for today’s times?

Please help me phrase that…


A quick check with the power company supplying the house can tell if the 100 amp service is too small or not.
Just because the house now has five bedrooms is not a justifiable reason for making a statement the service is too small.

If this house is on a septic tank I would be more worried with that than the electrical service. The more people that are living in the home the more taxing the work load of the leach fields of the sewage system.

This might help you out

Get your free copy of the Single Family Electrical Service Size Calculator by visiting the NACHI Store at BestInspectors.Net. Once you are in the store, follow the “Inspection Report Software” link near the top of the page. The calculator is in the “Free Stuff” section near the bottom of the Inspection Report Software page: http://www.bestinspectors.net/NACHI-products-reports.htm

Here is also a link to another one as well…in case you need it . Keep it in mind you need EXCEL to view it.
