unwanted guest

I had a Scorpion staring at me in a bathroom yesterday, the buyer asked if I would put him outside!



Sure…under a brick! :wink:

just one more reason i’d rather shovel snow.

I put my little friend on top of the trash can to strike a pose this morning…:smiley:

Always nice to be in a crawl space, where you know these little buggers have a presents, and feel something moving in your shirt. Do I try to get out and stand up to fight off the menace or do I deal with it in a prone position and hope for the best? What a delima. It is amazing how fast a man can move when faced with the choice.

From watching the discovery channel, Rob whatever his last name is, on Killer Instincts did a segment on Arizonian insects, spiders and snakes (mostly rattlesnakes). He said most of the time scorpions are not aggressive. Most of the time they probably mistake you for a tree or cactus. Their stinger is a defense mechanism, not a offensive weapon. No matter how offensive you think they are. Don’t panic. Very few scorpions in the United States are deadly to humans. We do have a few but not many. Just my 2 cents.

The scorpions around here are just doing the best they can since most of their natural environment has a house sitting on it…:smiley:

Dale, I think I will agree with Jay that I will shovel snow rather than play with pets like yours. ha. ha. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Amen Brothers!!:mrgreen:

Hey Jae W. , what in tarnation do you think is cool about these little critters. ha. ha.

Marcel :slight_smile: :wink:

Jay, I’ll let you shovel the snow and I’ll then help Dale put the scorpions outside. Not only de we have scorpions . . . we have black widows . . . brown recluse . . . and so on.

Besides, if you want to get rid of them . . .

The University of Arizona’s Scorpions publication1 provides the following public service information (see box below):

Scorpions are difficult to control with insecticides alone. Therefore, the first control strategy is to modify the area surrounding a house.

* Remove all trash, logs, boards, stones, bricks and other objects from around the home.
  • Keep grass closely mowed near the home. Prune bushes and overhanging tree branches away from the house. Tree branches can provide a path to the roof for scorpions.
    • Store garbage containers in a frame that allows them to rest above ground level.
    • Never bring firewood inside the house unless it is placed directly on the fire.
    • Install weather-stripping around loose fitting doors and windows.
    • Plug weep holes in brick veneer homes with steel wool, pieces of nylon scouring pad or small squares of screen wire.
    • Caulk around roof eaves, pipes and any other cracks into the home.
    • Keep window screens in good repair. Make sure they fit tightly in the window frame.

Tips for Professionals

Wettable powder formulations provide better residual control for crawling pests when applying perimeter sprays.

When using pyrethroids or other insecticides labeled for scorpion control, be sure to use the highest permissible label rate.

When applying pesticides directly onto individual scorpions, apply judiciously. Apply pesticides around the foundation of the building and up to 1 foot above ground level on the exterior walls. Also apply pesticides around doors, window eaves and other potential points of entry. Follow directions on the package for dosage, mixing and application methods.

**Still beats shoveling snow. :roll::):smiley: and yes I know you have power snow blowers, but . . . it’s still COLD outside.

** mike

I found this guy eating a scorpion today at that adobe that kicked my ssa today Buddy.:stuck_out_tongue:

Big-un…indeed…did you show it to the perspective owner?

I hear their the state bird out toward Florence…:twisted:

Probably an inmates lost pet!

Honkin’ big earwig, Brian! He likes you, he’s got a little smile on his face! If that crawed into your ear at night, you’d have to dial 9111. They’d dispatch Animal Control. With a can of Raid.

I’m sorry to disagree, but to me, all scorpions are deadly. If I had one crawl on me or near me, I would keel over dead right there.:bug:
I had a bad experience as a kid, now that is one thing I am deathly afraid of…

I think your scorps are pretty cool Dale!
Been quite a few years since I’ve seen one up close and personal. My brothers and I used to find them underneath rocks in Kentucky and Tennessee. It was pretty cool to find the mamma ones with all their babies piled on their back.
Here’s a spider I found on one earlier this summer. His legs spanned the width of the brick.
Sorry about the size.

Looks like a wolf spider but he’s gigantic. Never seen anything but a tarantula that big.

Cool, Dale.

Here’s the one you really want to watch out for…
[FONT=‘Times New Roman’] http://www.brownrecluses.com/images/br7mid.jpg[/FONT]
[FONT=‘Times New Roman’][/FONT]
[FONT=‘Times New Roman’]or you might wind up with this (graphic spider bite image)…[/FONT]
