We are looking to update an aluminum wired house to make sure the connections at termination are all approved for Aluminum. Ideally, I’d like to purchase aluminum rated receptacles and switches, however I’ve spoken with:
Leviton, Hubbel, Pass & Seymour, Cooper wiring… ALL of them offer the aluminum switches. And they offer the old style of receptacles, but NONE of them offer the tamper proof receptacles rated for Alumunum- and NONE have plans to do so.
Which creates a dilemma. What do I do? Do I replace using the approved AL rated terminations, or do I use Alumiconn connectors (which they claim are CPSC approved) at the receptacles?
Are there GFI capable AL rated receptacles for Kitchen/Bath?
Also, are their light fixtures available that are made for AL wire?
As you will be needing a permit for the work, I suggest you talk with your AHJ for what is approved in your area.
Another source would be to consult with a local licensed electrical contractor for an evaluation of the original system to determine the integrity of it’s components for any of the given upgrades. It could very well require a complete rewire!
You need to call in the professionals on this one!
Just a note of clarity - In terms of receptacles you would be refering to Tamper Resistant Receptacles denoted with the “TR” on the face of the device. I agree with Mr. Jonas on this one, seek the advice of a local electrical specialist to help you weed through the potential alterations.
As a licensed electrical contractor I can tell you the only way to properly correct your aluminum system is to install copper rated TR receptacles using alimicon connectors to change over from aluminum to copper. When you change devices you also have to now install arc fault protection.
Replacing devices does not force you to install arc fault protection. Unless the electrical code in your area requires this, but normally only newly added receptacles are subject to current the code.