Upward Valley Termination

Don’s back on the form today. This is the first time I have seen this. This morning I did an 11 month warranty inspection and this was one of the valley’s. Has anyone seen anything like this before. The valley flashing terminates upward. I am calling it an improper installation IMO. As usual, thanks for the feedback

What you have is a poorly executed valley transition. It’s hard to see without a better zoomed out photo from above. Surprisingly it made it 11 months without a leak (that you noticed) :slight_smile:


Yep…and it is wrong, to say the least. :flushed:

I’ll assume that you were reluctant to walk those tile (I agree with that decision) and took the photo from the ladder. It may look better on a closer examination, but I agree with calling it out.

Any other images from the roof deck or ladder Don?
Any disclosure of prior repairs?
Any stained deck sheathing in the attic?

Just my 2 cents but valley and deck flashing under the barrel tiles and mud packing at the critical intersection look well done.

Robert good morning. Those were the best images I could obtain. Therefore, no additional were taken. No disclosure of previous repairs as the home was built 11 month ago. We did a warranty inspection. Attic was not accessible, could only view it from the hatch. Knowing the attic was not accessible I did put the following comment in the report…"It is our company practice to inspect all attics that can be safely accessed and entered into without damaging the home, damaging any personal effects, or that could cause injury to the inspector. Your attic could not be walked in due to limited access through the hatch because of the closet built-in shelving, partial or no flooring surface installed, and the insulation was also an obstruction. There may be areas of deficiencies that could not be observed because of the limited access. Such as, the area below the improper roof valley installation as noted in the roofing section. We recommend a licensed roofing
professional, or the builder of the home further evaluate the attic to determine if any unseen deficiencies do exist, prior to the expiration of your home warranty period."

Do you agree with the added disclosure?

My overall thought was that since the builder needs to come out to address other defects why not call it out and have them review it. It costs the client nothing and puts the liability back to the client and off of our company.

Your thoughts?

Afternoon, Don.
Less is more!
OBSERVATION: ROOFING: I have my SOP prebuilt into every report component in my reports.
IV. The inspector is not required to:
A: walk on any roof surface.
K: confirm proper fastening or installation of any roof-covering material.
I do not guess.
RECOMMEND: Other: The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) recommends checking your roof during the fall and spring to help spot potential problems.
Professional roofing contractors, as well as roofing associations, recommend sloped or flat roof coverings, and the various forms and types therein, be inspected by a certified licensed professional, and maintained on an annual basis. *Note: This includes roof tune-ups when required.
The life of a roofing system is directly correlated to; how often the roofing system is inspected, how quickly small problems are identified, repaired and maintained.
LIMITATIONS: A: Inspected from the hatch: B: Inspection limited/prevented by lack of access. Less is more!

1: There is a New Warranty.
2: Point liability were required.
3: Don’t forget homeowners have a due diligence to maintain the home in reasonable order. Never forget that.