J.D. Vance and Candice Owens, 2028!
I don’t think she’ll be around
July 25, 2024
An upcoming fundraiser for Donald Trump dropped far-right commentator Candace Owens from its guest lineup Tuesday, following blowback over Owens’ record of embracing antisemitic rhetoric and Holocaust denial
Marc, I’m also Jewish (by blood), so I feel OK saying that recent events have ended the sympathy many Americans once had for Jews. I would have played the hand differently if I was in charge of Israel.
It is now a known fact. The right also has a cancel culture policy. Israel shall not be criticized.
I find it ludicrous that we are unable to criticize the policies or actions of any collective group or that we are not allowed to revisit history and scrutinize the narratives surrounding those events.
I think the right can do better than mimicking the left’s cancel culture.
Earlier this year, Orthodox Jewish pundit Ben Shapiro, one of the most prominent conservative media personalities, fired her from his company over her accusation that Israel is committing “genocide” in Gaza.
Israel is not committing “genocide.” There is no “Palestinian” ethnic group. It is a created fiction. Furthermore Israel has every right to defend itself from foreign adversaries EVEN if that means the adversary is eliminated (that is in fact a desirable outcome of war). Another case of media distortion accepted as truth simply because it is a lie often told.
It is ludicrous for Americans to opine on a war they do not fight, against an enemy who hides behind women and children. The enemy that kills their own people so as to posture as a ‘victim.’
My ancestors emigrated from Ireland about 1850 which was about the time of the great potato famine. This does NOT make me Irish! Nick’s Jewish (by blood) does not grant him some special knowledge of the troubles in Israel.
A lie repeated often does NOT create truth!
Recent events have placed an unexpected burden on the world.
I’m in touch with my feelings - all the cockroaches must be killed.
There is no sympathy for these scum bags.
That’s not my point. Though I understand your interest in countering any criticism I have towards both the USA involvement and Israel’s responses to Oct. 7.
The point is she was canceled for her opinion, which was intolerable by her Jewish boss.
That has not been a successful path for the left, I hope we can avoid the same mistakes.
There is a difference from being cancelled in the public square versus being fired from a private company. You should be allowed to speak freely in the public square, but a private company is well within it rights to fire someone that is hurting the company’s brand / image in that same public square.
The most devastating cancel culture is within private companies. There people lose their lively hood. It is like shooting their horse for not believing in Christ. I never said they didn’t have the right to do it, I said it is ill advised.
Here are a few. It leaves out the lefties who were destroyed as well.
Agree that it is devastating and unfair. I just do not know what anyone can do to stop it. You can sue your employer… not sure how successful that will be. You could organize a boycott… again, not sure how successful that would be either. Bud Light is still selling beer and Disney is still making movies.
As a conservative, I am recommending that we do not behave in the same manner and begin cancelling dissenting views amongst ourselves. Ben Shapiro is not above criticism.
In the past, he would be one of the first to argue that a dissenting view was welcome. In fact, he makes a living from it with his college tours. I guess he has distanced himself from his roots.
Not just a question of “dissenting views.” It is flat out wrong. Israel is NOT commiting genocide and running a company or an administration that has a particular known point of view needs employees who publicly espouse that same point of view. No room for someone who publicly disagrees with their boss. This is what @bhoefer is saying and he is right.
The same is true of a Presidents administration. Some private disagreement may encourage thought and innovation. If it becomes public or contentious the boss (President) has a DUTY to get rid of the disagreement as it creates a problematic workplace.
There is no free speech in business.
I find it ironic that Ben’s and the Daily Wire have success based on the critical debate. Yet, they cannot tolerate it within their organization. I posted an article with 12 conservatives canceled due to leftist intolerance within their own organizations.
Unless we find the sanctity of our echo chamber more important, I caution joining their ranks.
You have trivialized the whole aspect of a working BUSINESS. This is not reality TV. This is a business whose product is to sell an idea to the public. Whether you agree or disagree with the product (idea) what good is it if employees publicly disagree? How does that affect employee morale?
Exactly. Dismiss them. No need to try and differentiate yourself from other organizations such as Disney etc. for doing the same.
Interestingly, Gina Carono was dismissed from Disney over a misunderstood reference to the Holocaust.
Is that the same? Not to me. She wasdismissed over a belief, statement that had nothing to do with the company product. Her dismissal reflected a company fear of public rejection. Fear of public “cancellation,” not because the product was distorted but because of associations.
Not to worry. The Daily has plenty of support.
“From downplaying the impact of the Holocaust with comments about Mengele through to claims that Muslims started slavery, Candace Owens has the capacity to incite discord in almost every direction,” said Immigration Minister Tony Burke. “Australia’s national interest is best served when Candace Owens is somewhere else.”
I am a big fan of Ben Shapiro, listen to him regularly. Not surprisingly, he is ultra pro-Israel and, in particular, extremely passionate about October 7th. I think Candice Owens could have had dissenting views on just about any other subject and she would still be there at the Daily Wire. To say that Israel is committing genocide is akin to being a holocaust denier in Ben’s eyes (and many others) and he signs her paycheck.
Considering their mutual respect and the ongoing national debate on this topic I wrongfully expected Ben to engage with Candace more rather than less. And fight for a win on ideas. But she entertained ideas beyond his tolerance. The Daily Wire sealed vacuum of ideas will remain intact and their mission to spread conservative ideology will press on. They do admit that is their mission.