Warm AFCI Breakers


I started NACBI in 2005, now we have members in four continents and growing. We don’t want to be a huge association, we just want to be the best commercial building-infrared thermography association in the world.

We are Commercial Building Inspectors and Professional Certified Thermographers, our association has nothing to do with residential property. Not any tom dick or harry can join NACBI, our board members review all applicants first, many don’t cut the chase.

We have some of the best building inspectors and thermographers in the world as members. We do not belittle anyone or any associations, we have better things to do, namely, PCA’s and Thermal Imaging, there isn’t another group of people in the world like our association who work together as a team if necessary on large projects. Many members have known each other for many years.

There is no bickering or name calling on our Forum, we have the utmost respect for one another, and all other people, we try our best to inform others of mistakes they make, hopefully they don’t make the same mistakes twice, just try to learn from what Dave Anderson and others may post, you’ll find he is correct when posting, if you feel he isn’t, prove it with written documentation.

There are no other associations performing the type of specialty inspections we perform daily.

Try to remember this would you please. I don’t like to comment on your false-beliefs or information on another Forums, but to set the record straight, I hope you understand now.

I did a commercial inspection a couple of weeks ago about 73 panels and was talking to the sparky that was removing the dead fronts and I mentioned to him that AFCI breakers always operated at a higher temp than standard breakers and his reply was (I had not thought about it but I guess they would) he was a commercial electrican very seldom ever saw residential electrical work. So you see until one see it in thermal most don’t even think about it.

This goes to show there are many fields of Professional Organizations that concentrate on one or two things. I too have seen similar here Charley.
I go up on a roof to assess a problem with IAQ in a building talking to the top man in HVAC and he says I sure wish I learned what you know in School.
To which is my reply YOU CAN’T that is why.
Now this same guy concentrates on all the components of the HVAC system he works on.
It is not to say he is not Educated he just has a different focus.

Ya must be having a Senior moment if you notice my join date it is before yours and I don’t recall your history lesson.

Does NACHI Gate ring a bell?

Just get your guys stop degrading members on this forum. I am really getting sick of it. I do not think we need to rehash this again.

Are better yet, Dale, explain to me how David is right for degrading members on this thread? Also what was wrong with Mike’s answer?

You clean up the “trash” here and there won’t be any of that…

As for trashing new guys, this is not a new guy. He has been here 5 yrs.

As for the question, there is no reason any thermal camera owner needs to ask if they are qualified to put warm AFCI breakers in an inspection report!

It doesn’t belong in a Home Inspection to start with. How many of U CMI’s have said this in the past?

With all the FREE IR training out there, like you “I’m really getting sick of it.” when they just don’t try…



And from there, you have…



And just who are you standing up for, Mikey?

Someone who puts in their signature block, grading information about Mr. Cook (a NACHI member) which shows up 33,000 (+) times?

And why the hell do you expect Dale to control what I do on this message board?

I don’t make up crap! Unlike many people here.

I document the facts as I know them and am willing to support statements I make.

If I think infrared certified as a bunch of nonsense, I have my opinion and not restricted in commenting on my opinion.

Just because Mikey spends his life on this board, does not make him king of the hill or correct in what he posts.

Let’s not forget what ROY did first twice in his sig block you moron.

I don’t get mad. I get even. You punch me I punch back.

You are an old crank who seldom has something positive to say on this board.

Oh and I took the sig line link down when Roy did. Get it?

And it will go back up if he starts up again.

I really don’t want to remember…

So it’s OK for you, but it’s not OK for others?

Having a personal feud is “Justified” for you guys but speaking out about someone giving a black eye to the industry doesn’t cut it in your book?

If you act like a professional, you will be treated with the respect you deserve.

Time for work, bye…

See if you can hit 34k with nothing but “positive” before I get back…

As they say, there is an “Ignore” Function on this board.

Thanks for proving my point Mr. Professional :roll: :roll:

I agree with this statement to a point. In most cases those using their IR images have no clue to what they are looking at nor do they have the knowledge to comprehend the results.
It has been my experience that their images are used to make a colorful display of something they have no clue about. This is evidenced in this as well as many other message boards.

OH GEE I see something so let me show you what I see. Boy ain’t that pretty? But they don’t finish up with, all this and I have no clue of what I am looking at but boy ain’t it pretty.

As to opinions I suppose everyone has a right to their opinions but like the part of their body that excretes waste in most cases both stink.
It is when the opinion is incorrect that trouble starts. When someone gives a professional opinion that opinion should be based on fact not fables.

When called to do an electrical evaluation I make my opinions based on documented fact not a bunch of garbage found posted on the internet. In order to give a factual opinion one has to have knowledge of the subject or their opinion is nothing more than a waste of time such as the waste of time I display posting in this kindergarten forum where every thread has someone making remarks of my daddy can beat your daddy up. I must honestly say that this forum is not as bad as those that have links posted here in the past few days.

After being here for a spell and visiting those sites that have been posted I am forming an “opinion” that for the most part most Home Inspectors have nothing better to do but to sit and slander each other, how sad.

Where has the professionalism of this trade gone to? In my “opinion” it has landed right in the middle of a very hot place guarded by a person with horns and a long tail.
I am deeply saddened by the remarks found here as well as other places on the internet when it comes to Home Inspectors. If I was a person looking for a good HI and I came to some of these places I would forgo the HI and just hire the trades to do the inspections. After all these home inspectors can’t give a professional opinion without trying to degrade someone while doing so.

Please can someone please tell me “WHAT IS GOING ON?” What has happened to all the professional Home Inspectors? Is there a HI forum out there that don’t have a bunch of members that get alone instead of this get even type of attitude?
Better still why does Nick allow this junk to happen on his site?

So what did Mike say wrong when answering the question, David?

Mr. Whit. I gave my professional opinion that there was nothing wrong in post #2.

The crap that ensued was not started by me.

***No Mikey, you never get out of line…

Mr. Andersen.

You should probably remove that post as it is against MB rules to post non public material in publicly viewable parts of the board.

You are quite the professional aren’t you? :roll:

BTW James Braun and I are not of the same political stripe yet he is defending me.

Pay attention.

Mike my friend please read this with an open mind. Two wrongs do not make a right. Just because someone makes a remark toward someone does not give that person a right to perpetuate the problem by coming back with another derogatory remark. The lack of a derogatory remark is what shows one’s character.

Then we have the creditably of the NACHI forum which in my opinion is going downhill at a very fast pace. Go to some of the professional trades web sites and see what is being said about home inspectors.

In any disagreement the one who started it is seldom remembered but the one who ends it is always remembered.
Take this thread, the original poster asked a question and has received the correct answer but one has to read through three or more pages to find that answer due to all the bickering back and forth that is taking place by the “PROFESSIONAL” people on this site.

In my very honest opinion there aren’t more than a handful of professional people that are members of this site and most of them aren’t home inspectors but people who come here to help the HI. The rest are a bunch of kids daring the other to spit across this line and see what I do. Which category do you fit into?

As a home owner I would not allow some of those here that are claiming to be a professional home inspector to enter my property for any reason but this is because I visit this site and can see just how unprofessional they really are.

One is for sure; no one can display my professional attitude on a discussion forum but me.

The easy way to get this type of bull to stop is to stop playing the game and become better than them.
Someone once said, “It takes two fools to argue with each other. When one fool shuts up the argument stops.”
I know that the two of us have disagreed before and even through PMs. How long did the discussion last? Did we revert to calling each other names? The reason in my opinion is because one of us left the discussion.

I ask myself every time I click on the link for this site, “wonder who is laying the meat to whom today.”
Then after coming here I ask myself why I wasted my time.

Mr. Whit, Your time here has not been very long.

You have no appreciation for for how the NACHI MB works.

You are probably more used to a moderated board.

That’s OK. Different strokes for different folks.

I appreciate your remarks but what you suggest has never worked around here.

Take it up with Nick and maybe he will explain it.

I agree that most boards I visit are moderated and some by me.

I also agree that I haven’t been here very long and also agree that there was a time that I didn’t even come by here just because of the way this forum is handled.

I would think that Nick would want some type of control over this kid’s junk that is here all the time if he truly loves this site and wants to see it make a professional type of site.

But even without him I would think that the members would want to see more comments about the subject being asked about and a lot less of this junk that is going on here today.

Then again maybe what some of the electricians, plumbers, HVAC persons, as well as a bunch of others are saying is true. Home Inspectors is nothing more than a joke and if you don’t believe me just visits their site and see for yourself.

I do know that on a follow-up to a HI report a HI discussion site was referred to by the seller of the home and the buyer went against the recommendations of the HI even when I was in agreement with the HI.

Today many people does a Google search of the name of the person applying for work be it in a factory or the trades. This technology is making its way into every forum of life including home inspections.

Should I give a bid for work I would hope that anyone doing a Google search of my name would not find what they would find should they do a Google search of some of those who are members of this forum.

Ask yourself if this is the mannerism that you want displayed to a potential client.
Also please understand I am not just talking to you but to all those who play these kids games with all the name calling.