Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You know , the more I think about it . How many people looking for HI’s in Tucson are going to run across all the other people across the country with the same intro? There must be a reason for that intro, " ya think"
I am sticking with what works. KMB DV. Tell your boss I said hi.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mr. Valley is to far above me he is obligated by his ego not to post a response.
No Todd, I'm not too far above anyone here at NACHI. I've never tried to imply that at all. I didn't respond/reply because I went off line after I posted this thread. Again, I don't know why you are getting so upset.
I'm just trying to inform everyone that this is a generic opening that appears on a lot of websites. That particular content is being used by a lot of members and that whoever is utilizing that content may want to consider revising it. That's all. I wonder where this originated.
I apologize for stating the truth. ![](upload://6eemHjNuM4HnwFwfykTBxA8ua1B.gif)
If it works for you....Fantastic, keep up the good work. There's nothing wrong with utilizing templates, NACHI has several that can be used by members also. It's just not a big deal. I'm only advising.
I am employed presently, but I do have exciting plans for bigger and better endeavors. (IOO)
Originally Posted By: jmichalski This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I must have missed something. David is correct about the Aprosite intro.
It is their standard template, and they host a pretty large number of sites. I'm not sure how many people still have the canned intro on their page, but I changed mine for this reason, plus - it just is lousy marketing!
Who wants to used a canned "our company gives the best service" intor, when it can be customize to be so much more powerful?
The more of my competition that keeps it the better! Just helps me stand out a little more...
I think the more dangerous thing about not changing the template is nder the FAQ where they state that the HI offers a limited warranty through a national waaranty company! If you don't read and change TAHT, you have REAL problems!!!